Letter to Bowen’s Prowash About Local SEO…

L. Woods
Letters and Stories…
7 min readDec 13, 2023


Now y’all see why I want to be his Official Business Editor? The owner of this outstanding pressure washing service in Chesterfield County, Mr. Casey Bowen, can be easily contacted right now in Chesterfield County, South Carolina by dialing (910) 318–7942, or by visiting the Official Bowens Prowash Facebook Page.

My one-man SEO company in Charlotte, Trade Storytelling, will often reach out to businesses in places that are outside of Mecklenburg County. In this instance, that place is Cheraw, South Carolina, which is located in Chesterfield County.

I started seeing this man posting all of these before and after pictures of things like roofs and the sidings on homes that were dirty, moldy and needed a pressure washing really bad…I mean really bad! I think this business owner was trying to show the public how he can make something like an old, moldy outside of a home look new again.

I have a rule of thumb for choosing which business owner that I attempt to pitch my Charlotte online marketing company to. And, that rule is that they are as passionate about their business as I am about mine, a one-man SEO company that I run as a completely Independent Business Editor.

How do I figure out how passionate they are about their business? Well, I look at how many times they’ve made posts about it on social media. I look at how happy and satisfied they seem to be after they complete a successful job/gig, so happy in fact that they have to take video and pictures of it to show everybody in the world, over and over and over again!

This time, it’s the man who owns a company called Bowen’s Prowash, which is located in Cheraw, South Carolina, Chesterfield County, which is not too far away from where my local SEO company in Charlotte is located.

Feel free to contact Mr. Limus Woods, the owner of Trade Storytelling, A Creative Nonfiction Copywriting Service, at limusw@gmail.com.

Here’s the letter I wrote to Mr. Casey Bowen, the owner, in the hopes that he cares about his pressure washing business as much as I think he does:

To Mr. Casey Bowen, Owner of Bowen’s Prowash in Chesterfield County, SC:

I don’t know you personally, but my name is Mr. Limus Woods, and I’m the Independent Business Editor who owns Trade Storytelling, the Search Engine Optimization aka SEO company in Charlotte that has been reaching out to you on and off over the last couple of months or so.

I’m a one-man SEO service. And, I’m writing you this letter because I want to be the man providing search engine optimization writing and editing services for your business, Bowen’s Prowash, in 2024, starting now, in December, before Christmas and New Years Day, in order to get a huge jump on the new year.

You don’t want to wait until the turn of the new year to get started, reason being I just Google searched the exact terms “Bowen’s Prowash Cheraw SC” a few minutes ago, and your business didn’t even pop up for its own name. You really need a local SEO company that truly gives a damn about your business, one that wants to work with you FOR THE ENTIRE LIFE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

What I’m saying is, I want to become permanent business partners with you, becoming your permanent SEO company out of the Charlotte/Mecklenburg area. When you hire me for this, I don’t want you to have to ever have to hire anybody else for it again.

My price of — — per Creative Nonfiction story will never change (in order to get to the top of Google in your region for “pressure washing service in Chesterfield County” before Valentine’s Day, which is my plan, you need 12 pieces of SEO content done between now and February 1st; that’s two 1,000-word Creative Nonfiction stories every week, search engine optimized with the keywords that people search for you with on Google, real-life stories that all include the necessary journalistic interviews with you and your previous clients that Google respects and proceeds to rank local, knowledgeable, helpful businesses on, businesses like Bowen’s Prowash, when ranking them against other similar businesses in their immediate area — I say just pay the — — this week and get it overwith, then just start paying the weekly — — on Thursday, February 1st, 2024, so I can focus on writing/editing over the next six weeks, and not running you down every week for — -, because THAT’s whats tiring).

Your other option for search engine optimization services is to call a different SEO company in Charlotte (or maybe one located somewhere else in the U.S.) and have them charge you upwards - — -or - — — a month for the remainder of 2024, and the entire life of your business.

Before, and AFTER…need I say more? The hard-working owner of this outstanding pressure washing service in Chesterfield County, Mr. Casey Bowen, can be easily contacted right now in Chesterfield County, South Carolina by dialing (910) 318–7942, or by visiting the Official Bowens Prowash Facebook Page.

You have to understand that these greedy internet marketing companies do not cater personally to the small business owner (something that I do naturally being a man who worked in hospitality for almost half of his life), especially young entrepreneurs in rural areas like the ones where you and I grew up, entrepreneurs who don’t have a whole lot of money, but, in my opinion, still deserve the same quality of internet presence (I go much more in depth on this topic in this presentation/business description article for Trade Storytelling…read it now, or at your earliest convenience — I’m trying to be putting together your first pieces of local SEO content by Monday morning, December 18th 2023; - — — a week between now and the end of January, and it’ll drop to — — weekly starting in February, simply because I will have murdered your competition in Chesterfield of pressure washers in your area by then, and they won’t be able to catch up, even if they tried…I’m just too damn good).

Again, I worked for these types of money-hungry agencies consistently as a contract freelance writer from 2012 until early 2023, and I know exactly how they work and think from the inside out.

I learned what I needed to learn while working at them (which was how to compose effective SEO content with the appropriate keywords for a particular business), then I left them for good in order to start my own local SEO company in Charlotte, a company I affectionately call Trade Storytelling, in order to focus on the small, hard-working business owner, because I simply couldn’t stand or stomach anymore the way that they treat the little guy or girl who’s out here struggling trying to make it as an entrepreneur, doing his or her best to build their business from the ground up.

The good part about having me as your Independent Business Editor is that once I get you to the top of Google searches for “pressure washing service in Chesterfield County”, your price will drop from — — a week to only — - a week for the life of your business! Plus there’s no way in this world (or any other world, for that matter) that any of those high-priced, yet low-quality SEO companies will ever, ever let a client of theirs start for only - — — a week.

I, on the other hand, personally know how tight money is when growing a business.

So, I will charge that, based on the fact that I know you have other bills. Again, that - — — weekly will only be until the end of January 2024, so you’ll only pay that for the next 6 weeks, simply because I have to do two 1,000-word pieces of in-depth local SEO content for your wonderful company, Bowen’s Prowash, every week for the next 6 weeks in order to make this happen for you.

I repeat — it’ll drop to a payment of half of that for the life of your business afterwards, starting in February…so please, put it in your budget!!! This is your chance, so make this financial move now, my friend.

Image from Reddit.

Have you ever seen the movie American Gangster with Denzel Washington? Remember how Frank Lucas had Blue Magic, a product that was way better than his competition’s, at a price that was way less than the competition’s? Basically, that’s what I’m doing for you and Bowens Prowash, because I choose to, because I see you, and because I see your passion for what you do.

So, all that being said, as long as you can find that — — a week every week until the end of January, and then just - — — a week every week after that (because you’ll only need one weekly piece of content by then), — — weekly will be your price, and that will always be your price if you hire me now in December, 2023, before the 15th, so that I could prep this weekend and begin writing Monday morning.

THAT is my public, personal promise to you in this letter, and I will never go back on it.

Look forward to hearing from you, and have a good morning.

Peace & Love,

Mr. Limus Woods

Independent Business Editor


(617) 833–4665

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/limus.words

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/l-woods-abaa8a3a/

Medium Profile: https://medium.com/@limuswoods

Business: https://medium.com/trade-storytelling

Feel free to contact Mr. Limus Woods, the owner of Trade Storytelling, A Creative Nonfiction Copywriting Service, at limusw@gmail.com.

