Letter to Neighborhood Tax Center About Local SEO…

L. Woods
Letters and Stories…
3 min readJan 4, 2024


Neighborhood Tax Center is located at 2017 Beatties Ford Rd # F, Charlotte, NC, and can be contacted at (704) 391-3626, or by visiting their Official Facebook Page.

Good Morning, Ms. Jackie Taylor, and All The Fine Folks at Neighborhood Tax Center in Charlotte, North Carolina:

I am going to absolutely murder your online competition. There are just over 200 tax services popping up in Charlotte, and none of them, I mean none of them, are putting out any frequent content.

Keep this in mind: at 3 SEO Nonfiction Stories a week of 1,000 words (with keyword terms such as “tax preparer in Charlotte”, or “tax services in Charlotte”, and other similar ones), you will be at or near the top of Google results for those searches by the end of February ar at the latest, mid-March, if you hire me before the weekend.

I plan to put together the first 12,000 SEO pieces (12 Search Engine Optimized Creative Nonfiction Stories all about your business, Neighborhood Tax Center on Beatties Ford Road in Charlotte, including interviews with you, your customers and your coworkers) over the next 15 days by physically going to your offices and meeting with you and/or them in person five days out of the week, maybe six, over the next two weeks.

Feel free to contact me, Mr. Limus Woods, the owner of Trade Storytelling, A Creative Nonfiction Copywriting Service (a very affordable local SEO service) at limusw@gmail.com, or by calling (843) 246–5387 during the weekday business hours of Noon to 8 p.m. EST, from anywhere your business is located in the continental United States. You may email any day of the week, including weekends, and I’ll contact you back on the next business day, or, sometimes, in the moment, if I’m available.

I will be done with those 12,000 words by the 20th of this month, guaranteeing that you will have 3,000 words go up published, shared on social media, and updated to your Google Business Profile for Neighborhood Tax Center, every seven days, which is what will be needed for this hyper marketing strategy I want to do for your helpful, local tax company in Charlotte, one that is located not far from the first apartment that I rented in Charlotte when I first moved here in early 2022 off Russell Avenue.

Then, when you make your payment for February, I will do the exact same thing over a 12 to 15 day period next month, to be done on or around Valentine’s Day, give or take 24 to 48 hours. This means that the content will be created a lot faster than it will be posted, just like it will be in January, 2024.

This will guarantee that you will have 3,000 words up every week in February as well.

Think about this, Jackie: the highest ranking tax preparer in Charlotte has only had 5,000 words of content written from May of 2023 through November of 2023 and nothing since.

So, I say again. If you hire me before the weekend and I can start on this Monday, January 8th, 2023, meaning you make the payment for the 12 articles for January by the end of the day (My normal rate is — — per article, so — -, then another — — on February 1st) come March you will only have to pay for six articles, meaning you’re rate for March will only be — -.

Neighborhood Tax Center is located at 2017 Beatties Ford Rd # F, Charlotte, NC, and can be contacted at (704) 391–3626, or by visiting their Official Facebook Page.

That should be your solid rate until — -, your solid monthly rate, because you will be at the top or near the top of Google by then for those searches in the Charlotte area.

I’ll keep an eye out for your response and/or payment today, and I hope we can move forward with this hyper marketing project for Neighborhood Tax Center for the Early 2024 Dawn of Tax Season.

Peace & Love,

Mr. Limus Woods

Professional Business Editor


(843) 246–5387

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/limus.words

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/l-woods-abaa8a3a/

Medium Profile: https://medium.com/@limuswoods

Business: https://medium.com/trade-storytelling

