13 Months

My sweet, sweet girl. You are now 13 months old, and I just can’t fathom where the time has gone. Every day with you is a blessing, and we marvel at your ever growing beauty.

Cassandra Pauley
Letters for Georgia Faith
2 min readOct 29, 2017


This morning I lay with your sleeping self on the couch after a rough night of teething woes. You are just the sweetest girl. Even when you’re in pain at 4am, you were laughing at Daddy’s silly antics and snuggling up for cuddles with Mama.

You have so much to tell us, and we’re starting to be able to understand a few words and phrases here and there. Last weekend you said “I did it!” when you picked up a pumpkin stem, and you can say your own name so clearly!

You have mastered walking. You still crawl every now and then, but you walk more than anything else now. We love watching you learn and discover new things.

This month, I watched my first baby grow from baby to toddler, and my heart is elated at the thought of all you will become and all you will do. And my heart is sad for all we have already left behind.

But, I want you to know, my sweet Georgia Faith, we have been present at every moment. We have made so many memories already. We love all the details of your face, your hands, your toes. We smile because you smile. And we laugh because you laugh. And we love each other more because you love us so unconditionally. You are a miracle, given to us by God, and we pray we always see you as such.

Keep growing my little monkey! And keep learning and exploring. This world has much to teach you, and God, your mama, and your daddy will walk beside you and celebrate with you each step.

Love always,


