My Love

Scott Pauley
Letters for Georgia Faith
2 min readJan 27, 2017

Dear Georgia,

You will probably know this by the time you’re old enough to read our letters, but your Momma and I are connected to words. Some may say more than most. Your name came from that deep connection.

When we first started talking about names, we settled on Eliza. We both loved the way it sounded, and I particularly loved the idea that you would have Eliza Doolittle to look up to as a young reader coming into your own connection with words. I’ll admit it, I’m not that familiar with her, and I’ll also admit that I had no idea what or who you would be.

I pray daily that God has given you your Momma’s temperament with my silliness and irrational confidence. I just hope you don’t take as long to find out who you are as I did. I look back on my path and wonder what more could I have accomplished, and how many more perfect days could I have had with your Momma if I had just figured out who I was when I was young.

Then again, I wouldn’t have you.

I may have had a daughter, but you were meant for the exact moment in time that you were breathed into existence by God, and that means that the path I stumbled upon was the only path that led me to you. That is enough of a reason for me to suffer all of the missteps and to take as long as I did to become myself all over again, in my opinion.

You’ve always been my fate, and now you’re the bedrock of my faith.

Speaking of faith, the reason we choose your name is because Georgia means, “To work with the Earth.” We want you to always remember that we all came from the Earth, and it is our job as Christians to protect it and cherish the gifts that God has given to us through the dirt we walk on.

“ Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” Genesis 2:7

Your middle name is a direct connection to our hopes and prayers for you as well as a sign of why we are all here. We believe that faith should be in the middle of everything that we do in life, and so in our greatest accomplishment, we placed Faith in the middle of your name to remind you to keep it as your bedrock and to always trust in Faith.

You are the greatest blessing that God has ever given us baby girl, and that will never change.

