My name is Phoebe



My name is Phoebe and I come from the Philippines. When I first came to Singapore I felt nervous and excited and a little bit sad. I felt sad because I left my family, nervous because this is my new life and a challenge.

Especially at the time I came to my employer’s house, I was nervous about how I would adjust to them and get to know them. At first they treated me very well, but after a few months they changed. My madam asked me to do so many chores, I had to clean 4 houses and their shop, and she also shouted at me a lot.

My mistake was that I never told her how I felt. I kept everything inside pretending to be happy.

But deep inside I had a pain and at night time I cried and cried, especially when I remembered my children. They are the main reason I am here in Singapore.

Now I am in the HOME shelter and I would like to thank all the volunteers working there for extending their hands to help women like me. God bless you.

Yours truly,





IOM X is the International Organization for Migration’s innovative campaign to encourage safe migration and prevent human trafficking, funded by USAID.