Distributed Processing (Poem)

vishal vatnani
Letters from a broken mill
1 min readJun 15, 2020
A whiteboard

Recently, I have discovered,
that my brain thinks in terms of map-reduce
The directed acyclic graphs,
are my direction-less images of the past

Just like Hadoop recycles the repetitive data queries,
I can now brood over two years worth of memories,
in roughly 0.9 seconds

Talk about efficiency,
I am selective in what I store
And everything else is forgotten,
until someone reminds me of her

That’s when my clusters crash,
Execution Error Return Code 2
How can I possibly debug myself?
I don’t know in the language my mind speaks

Talk about scale,
I spawn multiple instances of my grief
Abstracting away the facts,
I blame one lover or another

But deep in my codebase,
I know I am the only contributor to my repository
Sadly the mind has no interface,
yet it thinks in terms of map-reduce

Somebody SSH me into my own console,
I am locked out
No chance of understanding how I feel,
so I make my feelings open-source

What I consume is what I process,
and you can see the verbose logs on my face

Your memories come back every day,
and I am just a distributed processor

