Sightseeing along the Dystopian Infrastructure
I look out of my window, into their windows
They have warm little cozy rooms dimly lit in yellow
What makes living in these shells so bearable?
I look out of my eyes, into their very souls
Their minds harbor safe places of meaning and sense
How is living inside a chattering mind normal?
They are tired of talking to themselves
And if I look at the pictures of their beautiful faces
One cannot tell a wide smile from apprehension
They are fed-up of paying rents for nothing
The yellow tulips too, have been redeemed of the status-quo
All except the denizens of these dimly lit shells
The nervous smile hates to be challenged
Pictures of cool kittens and cute lips take over the nervous system
Did the world only become isolated this year?
Alone, and yet never alone in a shell
It’s the good old loving and sipping from a barware lifestyle
They make living bearable in a room so dimly lit
And in complete darkness, the clan retires
Asking permissions from the landlord to dream of revolution
In the land of the free, why is the rent always overdue?
Isolation is the new hygiene
By international standards, we were far cleaner in our uniforms
And now, it’s casual Fridays every single day
They will accept me as their own
When I fit in with the more eloquent strata who don’t binge-watch
When I stop eating week-old chips from my couch
Until then, I’ll be peeking inside their windows
Wondering why they live in warm little cozy shells so dimly lit
As they look into mine and wonder the same
Desperately trying to be one of them
I will put on my joggers for the evening run along the Embarcadero
Sightseeing along the dystopian infrastructure
I will wonder about their lives
While they wonder about mine