Letter #6.5: Observing and Analyzing the Digital World.

November 10, 2015

Dear reader,

In an attempt to keep Letter #6 short and sweet, I thought I’d type up a separate letter to share my most recent contribution to the interwebs. I am proud to announce that I have started my own Medium publication at the crossroads of technology and culture (yes, another one). I call it Digital Culturist. Go follow it!

click here to follow!

It’s a publication for the analytically informed observationalists of the digital age. We publish stories, commentary, and opinions focused on technology and how it affects human behavior and social culture. For those who need a little more insight, here’s something I wrote to introduce the publication.

Hopefully this sheds some light on what I’m aiming for. I think it’s a pretty clear, informative explanation of our mission as a publication. And, just to give you a little taste of we’re offering, here’s a few of my favorite stories we’ve added recently.

For those reading this and thinking “this is the kind of stuff I can relate to,” if you’re interested in sharing your own point of view with hundreds of other people, we’re open for submissions. Check out our submission guidelines below. We’re not a restrictive publication, and there are no deadlines to adhere to, but we do ask that you share a unique point of view in a creative way.

So far Digital Culturist has recieved some great feedback, with over 400 followers and counting. That’s something I’m really proud of. I don’t know what I’m hoping for this publication, or what I plan to gain from it, but I’m really excited to see where this thing goes. Join me for the ride.

Look out for my next letter!


This is an adaptation of Letters from an Internet Traveler, the irregularly scheduled newsletter from an overactive cybernautsending you thought-provoking tidbits and internet obscurities you’ve probably overlooked, one digestible chunk at a time. You can also follow the Medium publication.

