The Skill That We Need to Teach Our Children in the Developing World

Letters to Homeland
2 min readJan 14, 2021

Most would agree that what separates the richest and more developed countries from those that of impoverished ones is the level of cooperation its citizens are willing to undertake. Although it’s not as simple as it seems, it could be said that it’s essentially a matter of laying out policies and its conscientious implementation which would benefit the greater good for the greater future.

As social animals, we tend to give more meaning and worth to what our culture values. With this, it’s common to have disagreements with other groups as there are unique traits that every group tends to give more importance to. These cultural biases and prejudices are so deeply ingrained in us that we normally anchor our group identity to such.

The conflict with other groups usually arises when there is a clash of beliefs of what is actually good for the majority. It could be then deduced that if we take out the malevolent aspect of humans, massive cooperation is only then a matter of deep understanding and genuine altruistic approach for the well-being of the majority, if not all.

After all isn’t a better life a universal aspiration for everyone?

If difference is default by nature and we know that only through unprecedented mass cooperation among diverse background could propel developing countries towards prosperity, then we ought to aim our efforts into mutual agreements that benefit the society as a whole.

This fundamentally involves the skill of thought articulation.

There are two major benefits of acquiring this skill.

  1. We can grasp the bigger picture of things. Once facts and figures from all parties have been laid out, mentally creating a structure as to how each and every proposition ultimately affects the majority would allow us to the formation of resolutions that would serve as the compass of action for the nation. The resulting insight would also invariably increase our empathy towards others which could result in a genuine and sincere communal trust.
  2. We tend to be more precise in our speech. As we become more careful and selective with our words, we naturally develop to become more receptive and discerning of how other groups respond to certain critical dilemmas. This in turn could help us illuminate some aspects that may be misconstrued by some. It would also help us to justify our argument better which could ultimately lead to a better, if not the best compromise necessary.

As a final word, remember that Thought Articulation is not a skill to be considered exclusively important for government leaders and policy makers. Rather it is a skill that we all ought to hone over time and even teach our children as early as now.

After all, the quality of one’s thoughts determines the quality of one’s life.

