Dear my teacher and friend

thank you. 

Alyssa Zeisler
Letters to London


I once told you I found our dynamic confusing — I didn’t know if you were a friend, a manager, an acquaintance or what. All I knew is that I looked to you for guidance and direction. While we no longer speak as regularly, I continue to look to you for clarity, and rarely leave one of our conversations without an improved sense of well being.

I’m grateful you took the time to take me under your wing and teach me. I wish only that I had the foresight to take advantage of you and your expertise even more. People often don’t appreciate what they have until it is gone. In this instance, the existing and approaching distance has already changed my perceptions, helping me recognise the value of our time together — runs, w(h)ines and more.

This is a bit ironic, as you created that base for me to move on and develop from. As the distance between continues to grow (physically, mentally) this foundation will continue to influence future developments.

While never stated clearly, it dawns on me we’ve had somewhat of a mentor — mentee relationship. You have been a counsellor, an advisor and so much more. When we can no long meet, there will be a meaningful absence and a noted increase in confusion in my life.

Thank you for helping me find solutions for the past two years; I appreciate it more than you know and will try not to forget what you have taught me. I hope this is not an end to our relationship, but a new beginning of a different formation.

