Dad’s Happiness

And what you have to do with it

Rich Stowell, PhD
Letters to my Boys



There is a lot to learn about happiness. One thing I recently learned is that I am, statistically speaking, at the most unhappy point in my life. More correctly, I am at the age when men, on average, are at their most unhappy.

I’m right there at the very bottom of the blue line, about to turn 48

This knowledge has come from the Managing Happiness course offered by HarvardX, taught by Dr. Arthur Brooks. It has been a wonderful exploration of the science of happiness as well as how to manage my own happiness.

One of the final assignments of the course is to add some reflection to my “happiness portfolio.” I share that bit of reflection with you.

Prompt 1: Discernment

Imagine yourself happy and flourishing, five years from now. Think about how you spend your time, what kind of work you are doing, and the relationships you are interested in. Assume that each of these things is making you happy. What would this look like? What will contribute to your well-being in general? What will you be doing to foster purpose and meaning?

List the top five things about the future “you,” or the things you will be doing, that make your future self happy.

Here are my answers. Five years from now:

  1. Joseph has graduated from high…

