
Dear Daughter, Thank You For The Things Money Can’t Buy

Some things can’t be bought and make life so much better. No one will ever be as happy to see you as your kids.

ZZ Meditations
Letters to my Dear Daughter


Yesterday, I returned home in the evening and was greeted by one of my favorite scenes in the world. As soon as you heard me approaching, you ran outside and met me in the parking lot. The first thing my eyes saw was your enthusiastic run with open arms and happy screams, “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!” followed by a hug.

Darling, life doesn’t get much better than this. You always seem to melt my heart, one piece at a time. At this rate, it will surely transform from a rock to a puddle of love.

All relationships are great, but no one is quite as happy to see me as you, my darling. I skipped the last stop on our trip just to catch you before bedtime, and you rewarded me aplenty.

I feel fortunate to have you in my life. Being your dad is a pleasure and an honor. The thing is, I know it’s all on borrowed time. You’re growing up rapidly, and in a few years, I won’t be “Daddy” anymore but the “old man.” As much as I enjoy all your growing-up phases, there is one I’m not looking forward to all that much — the teenage phase.

I know the “I hate you, you’re ruining my life” screams, accompanied by ignoring and slamming doors in my face, will be emotional outbursts you can’t yet tame and articulate any better, being prone to hormonal fireworks at that age. I take comfort in the fact that it is usually a phase we eventually outgrow.

I was a problematic youngster. Still, I never stopped loving my parents. I was just trying to find my place under the sun and establish some boundaries by fighting for my freedom, one outburst at a time.

It’s just a part of life, and you need to grow up, much to my dismay. I permit myself to indulge in a little sorrow for the coming days when you will no longer need me and, further along the timeline, when some other man will take my place in your eyes and heart.

I hope you will someday experience the joy I receive from your love, preferably from your children. It is simply an unbeatable experience when done right.

Thanks for all the hugs!

Love, Dad.



ZZ Meditations
Letters to my Dear Daughter

I write about the mind, perspectives, inner peace, happiness, life, trading, philosophy, fiction and short stories.