Dear Daughter — These Are Our First Contacts, But You Have No Idea

I have yet to meet you, dear one, and I love and adore you already. What do you call love “before the first sight?”

ZZ Meditations
Letters to my Dear Daughter
3 min readJul 18, 2023


Dear daughter. Pregnancy. Pregnant couple of the beach.
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Dear daughter,

I am fortunate and privileged to see you grow in your mother’s belly. To watch the process unveil one day at a time.

From the tiniest little fetus, you had less than a centimeter the first time we saw you on the monitors, to now, when you are almost ready to burst out of the uterus, and your mother is having all kinds of funny little problems as she carries you around.

These days, it takes two people to help turn your mother from one side to the other as she lays in bed. Don’t worry; only rainbows and unicorns are bursting from her as you kick her organs into liquid mush.

We both can’t wait to finally meet you. In about a month, you will exit your safe space and enter this crazy little world of ours. Take your time, and enjoy the safety and warmth of your current home. Enjoy it while you can. Once you’re out, we have our work cut out for us. There’ll be much to learn. Don’t worry. We’ll do it together every step of the way.

For now, I shall cherish the tiny moments of connectedness between the three of us. Though layers of your mother’s tissue separate us, I can still feel you squeezing into my hand whenever I hold my palm over you. I think you like it. It’s become sort of a ritual for us. You’re not even out yet, and I feel this deep connection to you already.

My eyes have yet to meet yours, but I love you as deeply as I’ve ever loved anything or anyone in my entire life.

Every evening, before we turn in for the night, I have the duty and pleasure of massaging oil onto your mother’s tummy. To prevent stretch marks on her belly and to cuddle you both simultaneously. It continues to be my favorite time of the day.

Sometimes I talk to you and can feel you moving around in there. And if I listen very carefully, I can hear your little heart beating in sync with the thumping of your mother’s heart in a beautiful symphony of life.

In these moments, life is good. All is good. Everything is perfect in my world.

I just wanted you to know this and hope you will someday read these words. My love for you has preceded your birth, dear one, and I suspect it shall continue long after I’m gone.

See you soon. I’m already counting the days!

Love, Dad.

PS: I hope you don’t look like me when you get out; please take after your mother.

EDIT: You did! Crysis averted. You are absolutely gorgeous! :)



ZZ Meditations
Letters to my Dear Daughter

I write about the mind, perspectives, inner peace, happiness, life, trading, philosophy, fiction and short stories.