You’re Right, I’m Not Interested, I’m Just Bored

Sophia An
Letters to Nowhere
Published in
4 min readSep 2, 2020


By Adam Nieścioruk on Unsplash

Quarantine has done all kinds of things to our psyche. For me, it’s brought out one of my worst habits — my tendency to date selfishly. I found myself recently admitting that the guy I’d been texting wasn’t someone I was interested in — he was just someone that was there.

After my last disastrous attempt at dating.

I was trying to make myself feel better with a rebound. Everyone loves a good roller coaster of emotions brought on by low crushing self esteem am I right? With this in mind I started talking to, let’s call him George. George was someone who worked in the same building as me albeit not at the same company. George and I see each other quite frequently because there’s one cafeteria. At first I wasn’t sure how I felt about his attentions — quarantine still makes me wary of most social interactions. Yes, I sometimes come into the office but I stay pretty much only in my office space.

George and I had spoken previous to this year but nothing serious. I only had his number because we both had each other on Discord. George was telling me about…



Sophia An
Letters to Nowhere

Writer, artist, book lover. Shakespeare said “look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it.” Someone help me be the flower.