Letter to Rodney Davis on Mueller investigation

Bill Bell
Letters to Rodney Davis
3 min readNov 1, 2017

If you would like to sign, please send an email to jwb713@yahoo.com with your name and city in the Illinois 13th district. We’ll send it on Friday, November 3.

Rep. Davis,

We write with a simple request: Keep the commitments you have made regarding the investigation of ties between Russia and the Trump campaign.

On several occasions, you have said that the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller is sufficient and necessary. But the current political climate gives us every reason to fear that you will face increasing pressure to somehow help end, slow, or influence these investigations — from fringe elements of the Republican party and from the interests that fund your campaigns. Please stand against that pressure and do all that you can to preserve the integrity of this work.

In particular, we expect that you will:

  • Reaffirm your commitment to the Special Counsel investigation.
  • Condemn members of the Trump campaign and administration who were ready and willing to accept stolen materials from people claiming to be part of the Russian government.
  • Explain what actions you intend to take should President Trump fire Special Counsel Mueller or otherwise undermine the investigation.
  • Continue to support funding for these investigations until they run their course.

We do not presume to know the outcome of the investigation or who might be implicated. This week’s guilty plea and indictments make it clear, however, that Special Counsel Mueller is acting appropriately and in our interest. We support his team’s work and expect you to do the same as our representative — clearly, publicly, and immediately.

Silence may be strategically wise for your party, but it is dangerous for your nation.

Mark Allender, Champaign
John Alsop, Champaign
Nate Atkinson, Champaign
Colleen Aziz, Urbana
Debbie Baker, Monticello
Benjamin Beaupré, Champaign
Bill Bell, Champaign
Susan G. Bednar, Monticello
Astrid Bergson, Urbana
Philipp Blume, Champaign
Elaine Brown, Savoy
Nicholas Brown, Savoy
Ann Burger, Urbana
Hsiao-Ching Chen, Champaign
Amy Clay-Moore, Urbana
Dorian Cosmedy, Urbana
Jeannie Covert, Urbana
James Divilbiss, Champaign
Mary Jo Divilbiss, Champaign
Christy Elamma, Bement
Steven Errede, Champaign
Ryan Flanagan, Urbana
Lisa Gatzke, Urbana
Robin Goettel, Urbana
Ryann Grove, Champaign
Susan Guironnet, Urbana
Kathy Harden, Champaign
Mary Lucille Hays, White Heath
Pamela Hill, Urbana
Sara Hook, Champaign
Cloydia Hill Larimore, Urbana
Amy Heggemeyer, Champaign
Anne M. Heiles, Urbana
William H. Heiles, Urbana
Antonia Herbstreit, Champaign
Deborah Insana, Urbana
Michael Insana, Urbana
Lois Kain, Urbana
Karen B. Kane, Champaign
Andrew Kerins, Champaign
Todd Kinney, Urbana
Megan Kuhlenschmidt, Champaign
Ming Kuo, Urbana
Ellen Leyerle, Champaign
Mike Leyerle, Champaign
Bernice Lieberman, Savoy
Yu-Feng Lin, Champaign
Suzanne Linder, Champaign
Samantha Lindgren, Champaign
Kerrith Livengood, Champaign
Terry Maher, Champaign
Elizabeth Majerus, Urbana
Sheila Maloney, White Heath
Jeremy Martin, Edwardsville
Jill Martin, Edwardsville
Gary Mason, Urbana
Leslie Mason, Urbana
Wendy Mathewson, Urbana
Gayle Matteson, Hillsboro
Julia Maxwell, Springfield
Michael Mazzocco, Champaign
Vida Mazzocco, Champaign
Andy McClure, Champaign
Rosemary McLeese, Monticello
Michael McKelvey, Champaign
Cynthia McKendall, Champaign
Ingrid Melief, Urbana
Robert C. Mielke, Decatur
Georgette Moore, Champaign
Diana Mosher, Champaign
Mary Murphy, White Heath
Tom Murphy, White Heath
Diane Ore, Champaign
Carolyn O’Rourke, Urbana
Andrew Orta, Urbana
Peggy Patten, Urbana
Patrick Patterson, Savoy
Sheila Patterson, Savoy
Elisabeth Pollock, Urbana
Ann Prisland, Champaign
Jennifer Putman, Urbana
Ann Quackenbush, Champaign
Cameron Raab, Champaign
Paige Raab, Champaign
Maeve Reilly, Champaign
Mary Rivers, White Heath
Marie Roy, Urbana
Alexander Scheeline, Champaign
Melissa Schoeplein, Urbana
Alison Schmulbach, Champaign
Mary Severinghaus, Savoy
Kathy Shannon, Champaign
Linda Sims, Champaign
Karen Steiner, Champaign
Tim Stephens, Urbana
Ruth Stoltzfus, Urbana
Phil Strang, Urbana
Jennifer Straub, Urbana
Todd Sweet, Savoy
Stephanie Swift, Urbana
Jami Taylor, Champaign
Ken Taylor, Champaign
Kathryn Tessin, Urbana
Trenna Thomas, Champaign
Diane Tipps, Champaign
Gail Tittle, Champaign
Renée Trilling, Champaign
Nathan Tolbert, Champaign
Laurel Treat, Brighton
Ira Wachtel, Champaign
Rebecca Lynn Wachtel, Champaign
Mary Wade, Champaign
Catherine Watkins, Champaign
Rebecca Wiltfong, Urbana
Kate Winkler, Champaign
Matt Winters, Urbana
Amy Wolff, Urbana
Amy Zoeller, Champaign



Bill Bell
Letters to Rodney Davis

Bill Bell is a writer and higher-education marketing professional who lives in Champaign, Illinois.