Unanswered questions for Rodney Davis

Bill Bell
Letters to Rodney Davis
3 min readMay 10, 2017

On May 9, about 250 people showed up for open office hours at Rep. Rodney Davis’ office in Champaign. Having declined for months to hold a town hall, Davis met with people in groups of three to seven people for several hours. Not everyone can take a half-day off work or family duty, so many people didn’t get to talk to him. Here are the questions that some of the people in the crowd would ask Rep. Davis.

“Why is your solution for rising premiums to gut Medicaid and give rich people & corporations a $600 billion tax cut?”
“How do you respond to Peter Suderman of Reason Magazine (a conservative journal) who wrote that the AHCA wasn’t about health care coverage at all but about shoe-horning in a free huge tax cut — almost all of it to those with the highest incomes?”
“You say you represent our district, which is 50/50. So why do you vote 100% Trump?” [nb: 538 says it’s only 96.6% Trump, but I get her point. :)]
“How can you justify voting on such important legislation before any independent analysis of the impact is in?”
“How do you plan to stand up for arts & edu? Give us concrete steps!”
“What have you done to grant Pres. Trump the required congressional consent to accept foreign emoluments?”
“Why not just fix Obamacare, rather than voting so many times to repeal with no plan to replace?”
“How can you defend turning Medicaid into a per capita allotment system? How will this system cover the health care needs of the populations that rely on it? Or do you admit that there will be cuts and scarcity with block grants?”
“Please explain your 6% lifetime rating from the League of Conservation Voters.”
“Are you also getting Trumpcare as your insurance?”
“What is your stance on the Financial Choice Act — HR 10 which aims to change provisions of Dodd-Frank?”
“The ACA prohibitions on lifetime & annual limits only apply to the essential health benefits. If states can now waive these benefits, how are these protections maintained?”
“When is the real town hall?”
“How do you feel about Donald Trump’s fitness to serve as President?”
“Why did you vote “Yes” on HJ Res 69?”
“What is Rodney’s plan for the 1000s who will lose health care in this district?”
“You say the AHCA was constituent supported…Release the Tally!”
“Rep. Davis, Why did you vote to kill overtime pay?”
“Why is your family more important than mine?”
“Were the state of Illinois to seek a waiver to raise premiums on people with pre-existing conditions, would you support that decision? #IL13isWatching”
“What do you think about the fact that President Trump is currently the most costly & wasteful president in US history? Trump is on pace to outspend in his 1st year more than Obama spent in total for 8 years.”
“Taking PReP to prevent HIV would mean I have a pre-existing condition. Why does Davis support HIV?”
“Do you believe that health care is a right, or do you believe it is a privilege for people who can afford it, and will you vote accordingly?”
“Why is mandatory auto insurance OK but not mandatory health insurance?”
“Do you think health care is an absolute right, no matter who you are?”
“I rely on Medicare Medicaid for life saving medical care & treatment. When you threaten medicare/medicade you literally threaten my life. Why are you Ok with this?”
“Why is MY AGE so taxable???”



Bill Bell
Letters to Rodney Davis

Bill Bell is a writer and higher-education marketing professional who lives in Champaign, Illinois.