Gregarious Narain
Letters to Solomon
Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2019


The Move: Day 2

January 21, 2019

Dearest Solomon,

Yesterday, we crossed three states, from Las Vegas and the Hoover Dam through Arizona and the Grand Canyon and finally into New Mexico (what’s in New Mexico again?). The drive was decidedly longer than the day before.

Perhaps it was the late, but worthy, start we got off too, taking the time to spend breakfast with your Aunt Karen. Perhaps it was the fact that you didn’t nap, other than the few minutes between your pancake eating session and dozing off while we drove to the nearest gas station. Or perhaps, maybe, it was the anticipation that at the end of this day, we’d be upon the final leg of our move.

“New home” as you like to call it was almost here.

As we drove the highway, pulled closer and closer by Michelle Obama’s all-consuming tale, I mulled over something I was discussing just before we left — the unknown. I mentioned that we were off to an unknown, and a friend remarked that for some people, that’s a wonderful thing. I nodded silently in agreement.

But as we drove, closer and closer, I reconsidered this idea. As I thought more about it, I realized how infrequently I ever dealt with the unknown. I’ve made it a mantra in life to assume that ever problem has a solution, that any difficulty is an opportunity for ingenuity. The unknown is knowable.

Uncertainty is at the heart of the unknown. I’m uncertain how we’ll adjust to life in the suburbs. I’m uncertain how we’ll adjust to living with your grandma and grandpa. I’m uncertain what we’ll do for work or for how long we’ll do it. But for every uncertainty, there’s possibility. For every possibility, new opportunity.

Make the unknown, known, for you can never fear opportunity.

The last leg begins in a couple of hours. I’m excited and filled with anticipation. We left any fear behind, 1000 miles ago.

“Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

Love Always,




Gregarious Narain
Letters to Solomon

Perpetual entrepreneur. Advisor to founding teams. Husband to Maria. Father to Solomon. Fan of fashion. Trying to stay fit.