dreams of abandoned glass

sarah warden
letters to the only her
1 min readOct 7, 2020


Photo by Rafael Cisneros Méndez on Unsplash

what comes next
could change what came before
a mosaic of beautiful broken pieces
could line up against the will of their source

damaged shards
abandoned glass
tempered by time
could come together at last

but it is hopeless though
isn’t it?
they win, they always win
those parental sores have festered
only leaving scars to pass off as strengths
only leaving a deep trench that cannot be crossed
filled with scars become shrapnel
with states of mind that seem uncontrollable
but fuck them
fuck those pretenders to life-giving
fuck those practicers of virtue-signaling

they are gone

their scars may have lingered
smashing into pieces
beautifully born glasses
that they abandoned and dropped casually
so no one who mattered
would hear the break
and think less of them

but we are here
in spite of their best efforts
and we are apart
because of me
and still
i hold you

what comes next
could change what came before
a mosaic of beautiful broken pieces
could line up against the will of their source

