scream with me, my love

sarah warden
letters to the only her
2 min readAug 27, 2020


Photo by Wil Stewart on Unsplash

this is not something that just stops

it does not come to rest
a paperweight sitting idle on an unused desk
the energy must go somewhere
must it not


your face appears in my mind
i smile
still drawing energetic inspiration from our connection
though you have gone

this is not something that just stops

i reach for a pen
to write words that cannot possibly contain the immensity
of this
of you
of us

and i want more

i want us
when i know who i am
when i remember who we were
to each other

would you at least scream with me
my love
stand with me
under a star-filled sky while the chill of autumn takes our breath
in her cold hands
and makes our exhalations visible
at last

scream with me
my love
for what they did to us
for what i did to you
for my brain that clamped down

do you know that you were the only person who knew
what she told me
the only person who knew my true birth story
and it is unforgivable
though psychologically explainable
for my brain to block you

but to love you again
i swear
my darling
the gods are having quite the laugh with you and me

so scream with me
my love
under a star-filled sky
while the chill of autumn takes our breath
in her cold hands
and makes our exhalations visible
at last

