About the Author

Aaron Horwath
Letters To A Young Professional
2 min readMar 24, 2018


My name is Aaron Horwath and I am a 26-year old expat currently living and working in Da Nang, Vietnam.

By day, I am the Head of Global Training at an international technology company in charge of providing technical Photoshop training to around 1,000 staff.

By night (and weekend) I am a writer for publications like this one around the web, a ghostwriter for CEOs, a blogger (about living and working abroad) and (newly) a podcaster at Chronicles Abroad. I have also started my own (short lived eCommerce store), found my way into Forbes once or twice, and traveled a fair amount of the world.

I desperately want to be intelligent, as I have seen through others the opportunities that intelligence can provide. The paradox, of course, is that the smarter you become, the less intelligent you perceive yourself to be as you learn more about everything you don’t know. But trying to defy that paradox seems as worthy a cause as any and it is how I chose to spend(at least a majority) of my time.

In the end, I am just a guy who is trying to live the most interesting and engaging life he possibly can and have worked hard to try and achieve that.

Beyond that, I am letting the cards fall where they may.



Aaron Horwath
Letters To A Young Professional

Expat, reader, guy-who-writes. Reporting back from around the next bend. Creator of 12hourdifference.co and Letters to a Young Professional.