Wabi Sabi

Leuven Foods
Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2016

After a long day at Leuven Autovrij we decided to head for sushi. It was already a long time since we were last there, as the we had an unpleasant experience in terms of waiting time..2h to get the food…

Anyway another reason was that other gourmandeers who had not directly participated at Leuven Autovrij had already been for sushi earlier that day at Samurai.

We found a table outside, we sat down and after 15 min a waiter came to bring the menus. Next to our table were 3 people very unhappy with the service as they had to wait for more than 90 min to get the food…we got a bit worried but tried to stay positive. We ordered 2 golden boats (exclusively tuna and salmon) After 35 min one of the guys from the kitchen came to tell us that …. Guess what ….they were out of TUNA…imagine!!! Definitely they should change the people in charge for logistics 😝 .. I mean the waiter who took our order should have told us right away!They offered to change the tuna with a Japanese white fish but we preferred salmon. Not long after, the food came. There were 4 tuna nigiri in total and the rest just salmon.

From a customer experience point of view this place does not reach an average state, in a situation like this, they should have charged less for the food (as tuna is in their menu more expensive) or find a solution to compensate the fact that we had to accept their proposal since it was getting late and not many restaurants would have still served food in Leuven at that hour.

The sushi was good and fresh but this is for sure a place that we will just consider in those rare occasions where there is no other option.

