Getting Started with Juno

Levana Dragon Rider
Levana Protocol
Published in
7 min readJul 19, 2022

As has become Levana standard of doing things a little bit different, Levana is taking a fresh and radical approach to our plans moving forward. In a way that has never really been done before, we are migrating Levana’s different products into the best-fit chains on Cosmos. And to help you move with us to Cosmos, you’ll need coins on Juno and a Keplr wallet.

Follow this guide to get started with getting coins on Juno, setting up a Keplr wallet, and getting started with Cosmos. Please note — your Keplr Wallet is not yet connected to your Dragon Wallet, so you won’t see your Levana NFTs.

Getting coins on Juno is a bit more complicated than onboarding to Terra, so let’s walk through it step by step.

  1. Have access to some starter funds in an exchange
  2. Acquire ATOM in order to later swap for JUNO.
  3. Set up a Keplr Wallet. Keplr is the wallet of choice for CosmJS. Keplr Wallets manage multiple chain wallets, so correct setup is essential.
  4. Decide between using Osmosis and Junoswap for trading ATOM for JUNO.

How do I get Coins on Juno?

There are two ways to get Juno coins. Osmosis and Junoswap. We’ve covered each method below. As a general note, Osmosis is a bit easier to use, which is why we started with it, but if it isn’t working, we outlined the steps for JunoSwap after Osmosis.

Conversion Via Osmosis

First, you will need to obtain ATOM coins. Most exchanges offer it, so choose your favorite exchange and buy some ATOM. Then, follow the steps below about installing and setting up a Keplr wallet. Your Keplr wallet will provide you with addresses for three relevant chains (Cosmos Hub, Osmosis, Juno). Withdraw your ATOM coins to the Cosmos Hub address in Keplr.

  1. Open the Osmosis app: and connect your Keplr wallet. (You’ll need to approve multiple times during this process for each blockchain and transaction).
  2. Click on the Assets tab in the left navigation bar.

3. Next to ATOM, click Deposit, and Approve.

4. By default, Osmosis will find your Cosmos Hub and Osmosis addresses. Choose the amount of ATOM to bring to Osmosis.

5. Click on the Trade tab:

6. For From, select “ATOM”. For To, select JUNO.

7. Choose how much ATOM to convert. Click Swap and Approve.

8. Go back to the Assets tab, choose JUNO and click Withdraw. Wallet addresses will be auto-filled. Click Withdraw and Approve. The gas fee for withdrawing your Juno is set by default to “AVERAGE” but if you change it to “LOW” you will not be charged a gas fee for the transaction.

9. Congratulations! You now have JUNO coins and you’re ready to get started with Levana on Juno!

Conversion via Junoswap

  1. First, you will need to obtain ATOM coins. Most exchanges offer it, so choose your favorite exchange and buy some ATOM. (Make sure you already have a little JUNO for gas fees — otherwise, you will not be able to complete your transfer.)
  2. Then, follow the steps above about installing and setting up a Keplr wallet This provides you with addresses for Cosmos Hub and Juno.
  3. Withdraw your ATOM coins to the Cosmos Hub address in your Keplr wallet
  4. Open the Junoswap app: and click on Connect wallet. Note: You’ll need to approve multiple times during this process for each blockchain and transaction.

5. Click on the Transfer tab and a list of coin options will drop down. Next to ATOM, click Deposit, and Approve.

6. Click on the Transfer tab. — As a default, Junoswap will find your Cosmos Hub and Juno addresses. (To keep it simple, use those defaults, then choose the amount of ATOM to bring to Juno.)

7. Click on the Swap tab. Now, for the first coin, select ATOM. For the second coin, select JUNO.

8. Choose how much ATOM to convert, then click Swap and Approve. (Make sure you have a little JUNO for gas fees)

Congrats! You’ve successfully completed your first conversion into Juno!

What is Keplr?

Keplr is an open-source browser extension wallet that supports Cosmos interchain ecosystem. Keplr wallets provide functionality for account and wallet management for all Cosmos-SDK based blockchains.

The Keplr browser extension is supported on Chrome or mobile app for Android and iOS. You can also use it on Brave, with limited functionality. Like most crypto wallets, anyone with your mnemonic (seed phrase) can take your assets, and lost seed phrases cannot be recovered.

Keplr Computer Installation:

  1. Go to Keplr’s extenson download for Chrome and click Add to Chrome. Note:⚠️Only download Keplr extension from the official Chrome web link.⚠️

2. In the pop-up dialog, select Add extension.

3. After adding the extension, select the puzzle piece icon on the top right of your Chrome browser, then select the Keplr pin, to pin the Keplr icon to your browser bar.

4. Right-click on Keplr, select Manage extension, and make sure On all sites is selected for Site Access.

After installing Keplr on Chrome, Create a new account or Import an existing account with the mnemonic (seed phrase) that you got from the previous step of creating an account.

Choosing Juno

Now that the extension is installed and connected, let’s navigate to the correct chain. Keplr supports all the different chains in Cosmos, and each chain will have its own mnemonic (seed phrase) in your Keplr wallet.

  1. Click on the Keplr Chrome extension in the top right of your Chrome browser. By default, the Cosmos Hub will display.
  2. Select the down arrow from the menu and scroll down the list to Juno.

3. Your Juno wallet is now selected, and you’re ready to deposit your funds.

Installing Keplr Mobile for iOS or Android

  1. Download the Keplr Mobile app for free from your device’s app store.
  2. In your Keplr mobile app, click on Create a new wallet. Note: you can create a new wallet with an existing Google login.

3. Click on Sign in with Google and then allow the app to connect with your Google account(s).

4. Next, select which Google account to sync with your Keplr Wallet.

5. To finish, sign up with Google login, create a wallet nickname and choose a password.

6. Click Next and you’re done!

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