How to Participate in the Levana NFT Meteor Shower

Levana Dragon Rider
Levana Protocol
Published in
6 min readNov 7, 2021

Welcome Dragon Riders.

After a few months of hard work from over 15 volunteers all over the globe, we are excited to showcase the beta launch of our meteor shower app.

If you are not familiar with our upcoming NFT launch, check out our blog post here.


  • Levana is minting 8,888 eggs, segmented as — Legendary, Ancient, Rare and Common
  • The NFTs are minted on the Terra blockchain
  • There is no way to get an egg directly, you must participate in the meteor shower, anyone can participate, there is no whitelisting or other gatekeeping (we think whitelists are against the ethos of permissionless systems like blockchain and crypto)
  • The meteor shower will happen over 44 hours
  • To get a meteor, you need to donate to the Levana LLI Pool
  • You can donate as much as you want, the more you donate the greater the chance of getting an Egg NFT
  • If you don’t get an Egg, you get super awesome meteor dust, which can be used for cool games we stay awake thinking about at night and we are excited to collaborate on with other Terra NFT players

How to participate in the Meteor Shower:

1 ) Load the meteor shower page and connect your Terra Station wallet (mobile and desktop supported!) to the site

The NFTs are received via donating to the LLI Leverage Capsule. You can only contribute via UST. You can get UST at KuCoin.

The funds you donate, you will not get back instead you will get an NFT.

Type in then amount of funds you would like to donate,

press GIFT and confirm on your wallet (mobile or chrome plugin)

Wait for confirmation and you may see some change to the floor pricing.

2 ) The Meteor shower will include 44 showers, each one hour long, totaling 44hours (starting November 8th, 6 AM UTC) You can participate in as many as you like.

3 ) You can discover your own strategy to win. We list some below and you can read more on our social channels.

3 ) Join our Discord and head over to the Meteor channel and give feedback.


Most of our FAQs can be answered by following us on Twitter

What is the story behind the Dragons?

(read all 4 parts currently published of the Lore)

No one explains it better then Danku_r:

Part 1

And Part 2

Here is what we presented at TeFi Alpha:

What is a good strategy for the 44 hour meteor shower?

First learn to read the board, let’s take a snapshot example and we can walk through all the user interface.

Here in real time, you can see the floor of each category, if you want to be included in an Ancient, then right now you need to donate between 87 and 500. You can tell which category you are currently part of, by seeing which meteor glows.

In this case, the Legendary meteor on the right is glowing.

You can gift more than once during a 60 min shower. This will increase your gift for a better chance.

This shows that I currently have 1 Meteor, and I am currently gifting 38 UST for this shower, and have contributed 38 in total

This shows that the current donations are being collected into Meteor Shower 1 of 44. There will be 202 Dragon Eggs allocated at the end of the hour. There are currently 6 people who bid in this round.

The screen is fairly self explanatory once you learn some of the display variables.

So you know the best strategy?

We have no idea, but some other people wrote down their thoughts

What do the Eggs look like?

What do baby Dragons look like?

What can I do with dust? For now, nothing, but we think about a lot of stuff….

What is our vision of NFTs and DeFi?

What are the utility of the NFTs?

The NFTs are only art collectibles. They have no utility or functionality. The Levana DAO will be launched this fall.

We are excited to have future collaboration between the Levana Protocol and Levana NFTs. We anticipate that the community will propose for governance vote exciting opportunities to use NFTs within the Levana Protocol. While we cannot commit to any integration, we leave the ultimate decision up to the community to come up with great ideas and implement them over time.

Is there a pre-mint? How are the team getting meteors?

There is no pre-mint, the team is getting meteors just like anyone else, by participating in the shower. While the exact amount has not yet been decided, the team plans to participate with at least $100,000 UST and try various strategies to get different meteor categories.

Where does the donated money go?

16.5% will go the creators, this is something we feel represents the values of the crypto space and champions all the hard work that went into the NFTs and the launch. The other 83.5% will be used to generate a LUNA2x pool when Levana protocol launches. Additional pools will be opened via farming, and the pool generated via the NFT launch will move to a community treasury.

Who are we excited to work with in the Terra Ecosystem?

Why is this so weird, who designed this, are you guys idiots or geniuses?

Well, technically thats 3 questions, but going in order..

  1. We wanted to try something different, something fair, something that makes people rethink how a new community can be launched
  2. The whole system was designed through many hours of brainstorming with some of the best minds in the space today regarding game theory, NFT design, community building, DeFi and metaverse. Unfortunately the list is so long we would end up missing out on some people that contributed. Thank you all for the countless hours of white boarding and planning that made this possible, you know who you are.
  3. Are we idiots or geniuses? To be honest, we have no idea.

New innovations often look like this. We suppose that it will take a few months to see if this works out the way we envisioned it, what type of engagement we get from the community and how much people care about what has been created and can be created with this foundation. What we do know is that we are Dragon Riders, we are fearless and we will travel to places no one else has ever been. Our DMs are open, feel free to drop a line and let us know what you think.

Good luck at the meteor shower!

