Levana and Kryptonite: An Exciting Partnership for Decentralized Swaps and Liquid Staking Derivatives

Levana Dragon Rider
Levana Protocol
Published in
4 min readJul 4, 2023

Levana, recently provided a detailed overview of their upcoming project in a Twitter Spaces conversation.


The team at Levana has designed a perpetual swap platform, designed for the Cosmos ecosystem, which is on the verge of launching on the Osmosis and Sei networks.

Emphasizing Trust and Decentralization

Levana’s primary objective is to establish a trustless and decentralized leverage platform supporting multiple assets. To safeguard users, they have ensured full collateralization for each position. Their innovative approach to creating leverage enables lower costs for traders and superior rewards for liquidity providers, all while minimizing insolvency risk.

Another highlight of the conversation was Kryptonite’s introduction. They revealed their decentralized application, primarily focusing on liquid staking derivatives. Their plan is to leverage Sei’s proof-of-stake assets, commencing with their own stablecoin, KUSD.

Perpetual Swaps: A Game-Changer

Perpetual swaps were discussed in depth during the conversation. They’re a powerful financial tool enabling users to increase exposure based on conviction without risking more than their initial collateral investment. Levana has recently launched a BTC-USD perpetual swap on their testnet, which can be accessed by logging in with Kepler, Compass, or Leap wallets on Sei’s testnet interface.

Exciting Collaborations and Cautionary Tales

Expressing excitement about partnering with Kryptonite, the team discussed the potential of creating liquid stake derivatives and minting stablecoins. They also mentioned the upcoming launches on Osmosis and the emphasis on popular markets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Atom.

Community Involvement and Mission Plans

Community involvement also took center stage, with discussions on missions, trading competitions, joining Discord, leveling up, and participating in upcoming events. Kryptonite unveiled plans about missions involving KUSD and KPT tokens once added to Sparrow Swap.

In response to the increasing demand for mobile trading, support is being developed, along with notifications for leverage positions in collaboration with the Leap wallet team.

Smart Tools for Smart Trading

Levana accentuated the importance of having advanced trading tools like limit orders and stop losses that can be set up through Levana. Such features are invaluable when dealing with leverage-based assets to avoid liquidation or losing track of open positions.

In terms of the stablecoin project, KUSD aims to establish a sizeable staking universe with steady yields. The team is eager to integrate with partners like Compass and prioritize collaboration with Sei ecosystem partners.

The conversation concluded with an open invitation for questions and feedback from listeners. It was an enlightening discussion, promising several exciting developments in the world of decentralized finance.

Levana’s mission to create a seamless, trustless platform for multiple assets in a fully-collateralized environment represents a significant leap in the blockchain industry. Their partnership with Kryptonite, focusing on liquid staking derivatives, adds another layer of innovation to this vision. As the crypto sphere grows, projects like these embody the exciting potential of decentralized finance. Stay tuned for their upcoming launches, and engage with these communities to keep learning and evolving within this dynamic ecosystem.

Potential ways to collaborate between Levana and Kryptonite

Strategy #1: Yield-Driven Borrowing

Start by depositing stable coins into Kryptonite. Borrow ETH from the platform and deposit it into Levana. Assuming the yield from your deposited ETH is higher than the fee to borrow from Kryptonite, you effectively secure free ETH. Over time, you can use the yield from the Levana LP position (paid out in ETH) to pay back your loan to Kryptonite, thereby reclaiming your initial stablecoins.

Strategy #2: Leveraged Long Trading with a Safety Net

Deposit stable coins into Kryptonite, borrow ETH, and open a leveraged long trading position on Levana. If ETH goes up, you take profits from Levana Perps, paid out in ETH. Use part of this ETH to pay back your loan from Kryptonite, remove your stablecoin principal, and keep the remaining ETH as profit. If ETH goes down, you can use Levana’s stop loss feature to minimize losses. In this scenario, the value of the ETH you owe to Kryptonite has also dropped, allowing you to leverage flash loans to close your position and withdraw your initial deposit, effectively hedging against losses.

Strategy #3: Auto-Repayment of Loans

Deposit ETH into Levana Perps LP pools to earn interest. Then deposit your Levana LP tokens into Kryptonite and borrow stablecoins or ETH. The yield from the LP token (again, paid in ETH) can be used to automatically repay the loan over time!

Strategy #4: Supercharging Your Farming

Deposit Sei tokens into Kryptonite and receive liquid staked bSei. You can then deposit your bSei into Levana liquidity pools to earn additional interest on trading fees. The combined power of staking rewards from Sei, trading fee yield, and Levana farming emissions, can supercharge your farming operations.

These are just a few examples to illustrate the potency of DeFi applications like Levana and Kryptonite. Given Levana’s robust set of APIs and sample code, any developer can create innovative products to make trading and yield generation more accessible and enjoyable.

The permissionless nature of networks like Sei, with its focus on trading, is bound to attract further innovation and create even more creative opportunities in the market. But as with all investment strategies, these come with significant risks. It is imperative to understand fully how these systems work and to do your own research before participation. Remember, in DeFi as in life, knowledge is power. So stay informed

Follow Levana for more info: https://linktr.ee/levanaprotocol

