Levana Dragon Cards

Levana Dragon Rider
Levana Protocol
Published in
5 min readFeb 26, 2022

The Levana Faction Wars have begun, and the fighting so far has been fierce and constant.

With nearly 4,000 active players, the Free Martians Faction has maintained an early lead, but they are followed closely by The Council and the Terrans.

Quests to date have challenged LARPing skills, perseverance, critical thinking, gaming, and deciphering skills. The rest of this War promises to be a close fight, with more challenges and adventures to come.

1. The Levana Faction Wars just launched the first Terra TestNet NFT game
2. Learn how to use TestNet
3. Check your TestNet wallet to see what you received
4. Read the game rules below so you know how to play
5. Complete the quest before 31.03.22 12:00 UTC to score points for yourself and your Faction
6. Yes, some things in life really are free!

What’s Happening in the Faction War?

While only one team can win ultimate glory, win the War and control of Mars; civil discord, compromise, and trade between the Factions is now more critical than ever.

We know that there are spies and alliances spread throughout Mars. Many fighters within Factions are confused about who to trust, when, and why.

The red planet we all call home is in chaos. To this end, Faction leadership and coordination is more critical than ever.

Quest 3: Levana Dragon Cards

With all the chaos caused by the War, you might have missed that today, your Terra Wallet received 5 Levana Dragon Card NFTs on Terra TestNet needed to complete Quest 3.

What is TestNet?

TestNet is the test environment of the Terra Blockchain. NFTs, UST, Luna and other assets on TestNet are not real. They are also not for resale, cannot ever be moved to MainNet, and cannot be bought or sold using MainNet contracts or on secondary markets. Every Terra wallet supports both TestNet and MainNet (MainNet is where your regular Levana NFTs are and where you trade real coins and assets, TestNet is the “make believe” testing version of MainNet).

Make sure you read up on how to switch between TestNet and MainNet, and how to access fake TestNet funds (Terra Faucet) and TestNet NFTs on TestNet here before starting to play.

The purpose of TestNet Levana NFTs is simple. Levana aims to bring 100M new people into crypto. To do that, everyone playing will need to know more about how the blockchain, and specifically how the Terra blockchain works. Ready to learn?

You need to get a Dragon Card from each Faction — but how?

1. Open Terra Station on TESTNET

2. Click the

satellite icon, next click the

settings icon, and change the network from mainnet to testnet.

Add the Levana Dragon Card NFT collection to Terra Station:

1. From the navigation menu, click NFT

2. Click add tokens.

3. Copy the Dragon Card contract address displayed on this quest in the Faction War. factions.levana.finance

4. Paste the contract address into the NFT field.

5. Press + next to the Levana Faction Wars Card Game listing.

Your 5 NFT Dragon Cards will now display in your testnet wallet.

Need coins? Testnet also has a system to generate and provide fake coins!

The Testnet Faucet provides up to 5,000 Luna at a time. Use the Faucet to request funds and pay for transfers between players.


1. Follow the instructions on the Terra Faucet to connect your Terra wallet.

2. Add Terra testnet currency to your wallet.

3. Use Terra Station on TestNet to transfer and trade your Dragon Card NFTs with other participants to complete your card set and finish this quest.

Ready, set, trade….

Quest Rules:

All quests are optional, but to fight with honor and help your Faction, you’ll need to learn how to trade, how to trust, and how to exist in the distributed, immutable, and public ecosystem that is the Terra blockchain.

  • Before March 3rd at 10:00 UTC, gather 1 Levana Dragons Card from each of the 4 Levana Factions into your TestNet Terra wallet.
  • Each player who succeeds at this quest will be rewarded.
  • Factions with players that accomplish this task, will be rewarded on a scaled percentage of overall Faction participation compared to other Factions.
  • Players (and their Factions) will get an extra bonus if all of the Levana Dragon Cards in their set have the same Lucky Number in their metadata.

Reminder: Never give your Terra Wallet seed phrase to anyone. Not to Levana, not via DM, not to Support, and not on Discord. Seed phrases should never ever be shared. We’ll never ask for one, and no one else needs yours for any reason.

