Levana Egg Nesting

Levana Dragon Rider
Levana Protocol
Published in
6 min readJan 5, 2022

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Ready for Nesting?

Dragons, like avians, have life cycles that begin with eggs, progress to nesting, and finally hatch. Though a dragon egg is extraordinary, it too requires an environment conducive to gestation.

Dragon eggs cracked from meteors are initially inert. To begin the growth process, its keeper must examine the composition of the egg and obtain a bottle of dust with the matching composition and rarity level.

To find your egg and dust’s composition, you can view your inventory on meteors.levana.finance or view the metadata on Randomearth.io or Knowhere.art.

Once the egg and matching dust are paired, travel to meteors.levana.finance, log in with your Terra Station wallet and tap “Nesting.” Once you select the compatible dust for your egg, the dust is poured onto the egg to spark the life within. The Nesting Process reveals the hidden spirit level of the Dragon egg. The spirit level from the dust is absorbed into the egg and the baby dragon within, which then becomes nested.

Inside your Nested Egg, the image and metadata are updated, and the egg keeper who initiates nesting receives an additional mystery NFT as a bonus.

a secret gift awaits

Nesting a dragon egg requires only a quarter bottle of dust. Using more will result in minting corresponding meteor dust ‘change’ that is returned to the egg keeper’s wallet. Each egg requires a nest process conducted individually.

In the infographic below, we see that the player deposited a matching egg and FULL BOTTLE of dust.

In return, the player received 4 NFTS:

  • 1 Nested Egg
  • 1 Mystery NFT
  • 1 bottle of Dust with 1/2 content
  • 1 bottle of Dust with 1/4 content

Upon nesting, the egg will be activated. As the dragon inside grows and the egg matures, the class of NFT will change from egg to dragon. Rejoice, for a baby dragon is in the process of coming to life!

Why Nest?

Nesting is the first stage of the hatching process. As eggs are nesting, the Levana team will reveal which types of Dust impact different aspects of the forthcoming dragon. These include customized genetic modifications such as your dragon’s array of spikes or horns, its eye color, types of wings, and other facets of its appearance. The exact list of attributes which can be changed will be finalized and published at a later date.

Nested dragon eggs remain tradable, both directly and on secondary markets like RandomEarth.io and Knowhere.art. These NFTs use a custom CW-721 contract. These contracts are updatable so the NFT can be customized and influenced by the egg’s owner via how they interact with Levana’s upcoming DeFi Protocol and Game. We are also building a bulletin board where people can post the type of dust and attributes they are searching for.

Nesting will be followed by other phases including baby dragon genetic modification and hatching. Collectively this makes up Part I of the Levana journey to fully fledged dragon riders in various factions.

As the dragon egg NFT evolves, there will be opportunities for further interaction, rewards, and additional features and functionality many of which will come directly from community involvement.

How to Nest

If you are new to Terra and wish to learn how to nest dragon eggs, we have compiled a useful checklist for you to follow. If you are already familiar with Terra and the Levana Dragon NFTs, feel free to read on or skip directly to step 3.

To learn more about Terra and the underlying blockchain upon which Levana and the dragons live, check out these resources:

What is Luna? Terra and UST Explained: What is Luna? Terra and UST Explained For Beginners!

Learn more about Terra: https://learnterra.io

We recommend setting up a Terra Station Wallet: https://station.terra.money/

Here is a video which shows how to set up a Terra Station Wallet

Here is how to move assets from your Ethereum wallet to your Terra Wallet

Step 1: Get a meteor. Nearly 42,000 meteors were found during the initial meteor shower. Hundreds remain available on secondary markets like RandomEarth.io and Knowhere.art. Direct trades may also be facilitated, and we are building a bulletin board to help dragon keepers barter and trade interpersonally. Additionally, contests and giveaways are often run by Levana and our supporters, enabling bold dragon keepers the chance to acquire more eggs and dust.

Step 2: Connect your wallet to https://meteors.levana.finance. Crack the meteor to reveal the dragon egg or Meteor dust inside. Collect the necessary ingredients to form a nested dragon egg.

Step 3: In your cave, configure the Nesting Station. Check your spirit level. Once the appropriate ingredients are selected available, combine them to nest.

The ability to impact your dragon’s attributes with dust means that keepers are able to customize the dragon they want. We anticipate this will lead to a fascinating level of gamification around making the most rare dragon.

Those who wish to create rare dragons with unique attributes will create the most extraordinary dragons imaginable, bringing to light a new aspect of NFTs never seen before, where creators perform actions to mold the final evolution of their own dragons.

Becoming a dragon rider indicates core membership in Levana. It also enables your voice to be heard. In short, it allows you to experience what we are building at Levana to the fullest extent. As the community organizes and the DAO launches, more ways to empower the dragon riders will come to light.

There will also be ways to farm dust through upcoming mini Play 2 Earn games.

The 2 initial Levana mini games are set to be released in the next few weeks. These games are the genesis of our ultimate vision of DeFi-tainment.

Follow us for updates:

Read the story: https://blog.levana.finance/levana-lore-part-1-of-4-8dde4b3f40bf

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