Levana Lore: Part 1

Levana Dragon Rider
Levana Protocol
Published in
3 min readAug 25, 2021

Coordinates: RA 11h 11m 17s | Dec +6° 15′ 29

Lunae Planum, Mars

Day 0: The heat of the day gave way to the evening chill, in a fashion only found on the deserts of Mars. The Martian Council, most active at nightfall, became distracted by a strange object, a meteor, flying overhead. It descended quickly, smoking at the tail, through its bright atmospheric decent.

The Elders of the Martian Council, interrupted from their work, were summoned to investigate something that crash landed near their home, creating a crater in Lunae Planum.

Lunae Planum, at an elevation of 500 meters was named after the Roman ruler Luna, who ruled over the night as her counterpart, Sol, ruled over the day.

The Elders traveled to the site of the crash, as the distant sun began to fall below the horizon. The Martian day lasts 40 minutes longer than the day on the ancient homeland of Terra. It is within these 40 minutes that the Elders arrived and discovered something that would change Mars, and mankind, forever.

Introducing Levana

As the Elders descend the crater, the meteor cooled and cracked open, a result of the impact encountered from the speed at which it entered the thin Martian atmosphere.

Inside of the meteor, at seemingly the core, a gleaming, strong golden light shown. The Elders neared, intrigued but cautious. As they stood over the crater, their eyes adjusted to the glow, revealing the egg of a small winged beast…a thing of legends...of beauty…a dragon.

Perplexed but amazed, the Elders looked on as the dragon began to hatch from the egg, as if awaiting their arrival. They collectively watched as the dragon spread its wings from the golden egg. The baby dragon opens its eyes for the first time and saw its new masters. The Elders don’t recall their first thoughts exactly, but the smell of lavender and blueberries was unmistakable.

As the Elders approached the new hatchling, a wave of strength came over them. Unable to describe the feeling, the Elders glanced at each other nodding; no words needed to be spoken. The dragon emanated a power, a level of amplification. They knew the tiny creature contained mysteries, danger, and excitement.

The journey back to the Martian base occurred in silence. Eyes glanced up to the heavens as the Elders questioned how this new addition to the planet would change the fate of Mars and the Terrans which inhabit her.

Stay Tuned for the exciting continuation of Levana Lore — Part 2

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