Levana: Salim’s Adventure — Side-scroller

Levana Dragon Rider
Levana Protocol
Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2022

Noctis Labyrinthus — Tharsis Montes Region, Mars

It’s time for an adventure.

TLDR: Come play a retro side-scroller themed in the world of Levana, and maybe win something.

  • The first task of the Faction Wars will be the completion of all 20 levels of a classic style side-scroller. Once staking of your Talisman is live (coming soon!), your achievement will be credited to your Faction
  • The game works on Chrome desktop browsers
  • Beating the game probably results in receiving a free NFT that is needed to nest eggs (while supplies last, terms and conditions apply, blah blah blah legal stuff….)
  • Ledgers are not supported, mobile wallet connect support will come (hopefully) next week (to connect your mobile wallet to your desktop)
  • The game is available to play for anyone that holds a Levana NFT in their wallet. You can acquire a Levana NFT on Randomearth.io, Knowhere.art or Luart
  • You can buy a Talisman to join the Faction Wars: https://randomearth.io/collections/terra14gfnxnwl0yz6njzet4n33erq5n70wt79nm24el
  • Play now: https://bit.ly/SalimsAdventure

Immah calls Salim to her tent. “Salim, the scouts we sent a week ago returned with news. They’ve found what appears to be an ancient Dragon graveyard! Sending a team, however, will draw too much attention from the Council, which is why you must go. But prepare carefully; apart from spiders and the challenging terrain, the scouts reported something unusual lingering at the site. Something which can only be described as a dragon spirit….”

Salim knows this won’t be a simple task, but he’s determined to make the journey. His quest could help turn the tide of the Faction war and completing the mission could provide the dust needed to nest more dragon eggs.

How to play

To play, a wallet with a Levana NFT is required. Once you connect and verify your wallet, your mission is to beat all of the levels. Beating all levels will add your wallet address to a list of potential prize recipients.

Periodically, Levana will send an exclusive number of prizes to wallets that have beaten the game. Don’t be disheartened if your prize doesn’t arrive right away. It may take up to a week from when you beat the game to get your reward. This delay prevents bots from taking over the game and bad actors from ruining the fun for everyone. Additionally, when you have a staked talisman, its metadata will be updated to include this achievement. If you haven’t joined a faction yet, don’t worry. Your achievement is stored so that when you stake a Talisman from that wallet later on, your achievement will still be marked on your Talisman.

Need help or information, visit our Discord support channel: https://bit.ly/DiscordLevana

Safe travels adventurer..and don’t let the spiders get you.

Play now: https://bit.ly/SalimsAdventure

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Levana is dedicated to creating products and experiences that bring mass adoption of DeFi to the Terra ecosystem. Our products fuse DeFi and entertainment, creating experiences focused on adventure, speculation, risk, reward, and at the heart of it all — FUN.

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