Levana Talismans

Levana Dragon Rider
Levana Protocol
Published in
5 min readJan 13, 2022

“Mark my words, history will remember the day the Faction Wars began on Mars”- Sotira, the Maker

Excerpt from The Faction Wars — Levana, Book 2

Mars is in turmoil; the emergence of dragons is political, controversial, and downright dangerous. Four factions have emerged, bathed in dragonfire, to voice their opinions about the future of Mars and how dragons will play a part. They do not agree.

Now they prepare to wage war…

Join the Council Today!

Welcome to the Talisman Faction Wars. You have earned your seat at the table.

Today, we introduce the Talisman Faction Wars, a game in which four factions: the Council, Terrans, Free Martians, and Guardians compete for the future of Mars. Players must join a faction to access a variety of games by which they earn rewards, grow their dragons, level up their NFTs, and, ultimately, gain control over the future of Mars. Factions are compelled to compete in order to advance their political agenda, wealth, or religion. Rewards await the best-performing factions.

To join the fight, you must nest your dragon egg.

All Dragon Keepers are summoned to take part in the Faction Wars. To receive a faction talisman, you must start the sacred process of dragon nesting. The talisman you receive when you nest, is your invitation to enlist with that faction and join in the Faction Wars. Keep your talisman close, as every battle you fight, competition you win, or task you complete will be recorded within it.

Dragon Keepers who nest multiple eggs will receive multiple talismans, offering them the choice to join any faction for which they hold a talisman. However, each Dragon Keeper may only join one faction. Select it wisely, as switching sides is allowed, but limited.


The Council

As all-knowing master manipulators, only the Council knows how to secure the fate of Mars. Or at least that’s what they’d have you believe. For centuries, they have played political chess with the people of Mars, where everyone is a pawn in a future only they can see. However, the emergence of dragons has cast doubt upon the Council’s control of Mars. Desperate to maintain control, they’ve begun to accumulate dragon ownership, which they view as the ultimate sign of power.


For too long, the Terrans were viewed as the weak, farmers and workers of Mars. The Council controlled them for decades, manipulating them to their will, but no longer. The emergence of dragons has made the Terrans reconsider their purpose, religion, and even their abilities. Now that dragons have been proven to exist, Terrans have new opportunities and a path to a new future. They are natural merchants and gardeners. They are adventurous, learning quickly how to leverage their dragons for social status and wealth.

Free Martians

Valuing freedom above all else, Free Martians are known to be wild, inventive, and disorganized. They often live in small, scattered communities throughout the crags and plains of Mars. No organized governance dictates their lives, only religious beliefs. When dragons finally arrived on Mars, they were grateful. To the Free Martian, the dragon is the pure representation of freedom and magic combined. They seek to unite forces with willing dragons to learn their magic, transform Mars, and protect the freedoms of all Martians.


Conceived out of necessity during the previous Martian Civil War, Guardians are ruthless soldiers. For decades, they have craved a deeper purpose, but have been relegated to border patrol and policing the Terrans. All of Mars knows the Guardian soldiers as the elite fighting force of the Council, but they are much more. They believe dragons are a gift from Elon himself, so they seek to acquire them as weapons in a righteous war.

Premier Leaders

A few, elite competitors are summoned to take on premier roles in the Talisman Wars. These competitors are called Premier Leaders. Premier Leaders play critical roles in each faction by rallying the troops, determining strategy, and executing decisions that only they can make.

Metadata and Rarity

Unlike most NFT sets, the Talisman’s all start out with the same rarity (comparing one Member to another, or Premier to another).

The metadata in the Talisman will update over time based on actions performed by the player. This prevents whales from simply buying up the supply of the more rare Talismans and squeezing the market. Instead, the truly rare Talismans will be the ones that have been battle tested, used, quested and evolved by brave aspiring Dragon Riders.

Each time a Talisman is used for a mini-game, a quest, or a task, the Talisman will become more rare, while any Talisman that sits unmoved in a wallet will remain common, waiting for brave adventurers to take them out, take risks and play games.


  • Talisman Wars is an upcoming Levana NFT coordination event and backdrop to a series of games
  • Talisman Wars players participate in faction games and tasks, with rewards going to the best performing faction/s
  • Players must own and sometimes stake a Faction Talisman NFT to play Talisman Wars.
  • To earn a Faction Talisman NFT, players must nest their dragon egg NFTs or acquire one from the open market.
  • Nest your dragon here: https://meteors.levana.finance/user/nesting/egg
  • Talismans may also be purchased on Random Earth or Knowhere Art Marketplaces.
  • The Faction Talisman NFTs a player holds dictate the factions they can join.
  • Players may only join one faction. Switching factions is limited (but will be allowed in the future), so choose wisely.
  • Players level up their Faction Talisman NFTs by playing Talisman Wars and other Levana Mini Games
  • As you complete quests and tasks, your Talisman metadata will be updated.
  • Premier Leaders are faction leaders that have exclusive decision-making abilities.

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