Levana’s Interview with Joe CosmosDefi

Levana Dragon Rider
Levana Protocol
Published in
3 min readApr 23, 2023

In a recent interview, Joe Cosmos sat down with Jonathan, head of Comms at Levana Protocol, to discuss Levana’s vision, progress, and future plans. The conversation spanned a wide range of topics, from the importance of profit and business in the cryptocurrency space to the role of decentralized finance (DeFi) in the Cosmos ecosystem.

Levana Protocol: An Overview

Jonathan introduced Levana Protocol as a decentralized, cross-chain, and scalable platform for creating and trading leverage products on the Cosmos ecosystem. The protocol aims to solve the challenges of user experience, scalability, and economics that hinder the growth of the leverage market in crypto.

The Importance of Real Yield and Product Market Fit in Crypto

Jonathan and Joe discussed the importance of recognizing that crypto projects should focus on profits and business, rather than relying solely on annual percentage rates (APRs) and token value. Jonathan pointed out that gaming and market speculation are the only two areas in crypto with proven product-market fit and revenue generation capabilities. The best-case scenario is to combine these two aspects through making trading fun and easy for the average person to use.

Beta Launch of Levana Protocol

Jonathan mentioned that the beta version of Levana Protocol is available at https://beta.levana.finance. Users can sign up for trading competitions, provide feedback on the user experience, and get in touch with customer support.

Leverage in Traditional and Crypto Markets

Jonathan compared the leverage ratios in traditional and crypto markets, estimating that for every $1 spent on spot exchanges in traditional markets, there’s roughly $45 spent in derivatives or leverage markets. He expects the same ratio to apply to crypto once usability issues, scalability, and economic challenges are addressed.

Scaling Across Multiple Chains and Addressing Fee Issues

Levana Protocol aims to provide a cost-effective platform that can scale across multiple chains and address fee-related challenges. Jonathan mentioned the daily trading volume on Osmosis, which is around $10 million. He believes that by applying a 45x ratio and a more lucrative fee model, Levana can potentially generate orders of magnitude more fees without being burdensome to users.

Ethereum’s Fee Structure and Limitations

Jonathan and Joe discussed the high fees on Ethereum, particularly for Uniswap V2, and how it doesn’t benefit the project or its users. They believe that the Cosmos ecosystem, with its low fees and scalable structure, is a more suitable environment for deploying DeFi projects.

Price Feeds

Levana uses charts from Trading View, an industry standard, ensuring that active traders will feel comfortable with the platform. You can review the ETH/USD Trading View charts.

The Future of Levana Protocol

Jonathan emphasized that Levana Protocol is focused on building a profitable protocol by enabling users to speculate on markets and generate revenue. The team is open to feedback and continuously seeks to improve the platform’s offerings. As the project progresses, Levana aims to address the challenges in the DeFi space and contribute to the growth of the Cosmos ecosystem.


The interview with Jonathan provided valuable insights into Levana Protocol’s vision, current progress, and future goals. By focusing on profitability, product market fit, multi chain deployment, and the unique opportunities offered by the Cosmos ecosystem, Levana aims to bridge the gap between DeFi and traditional financial markets. As the platform continues to evolve, it has the potential to revolutionize the way users interact with and benefit from decentralized finance.

Learn how to use Levana Perps via this tutorial: https://blog.levana.finance/your-first-atom-leverage-trade-on-levana-perps-osmosis-testnet-39b7d39391ba

If you want to learn more about the platform or get more walkthroughs, you can join the Levana Perps Telegram group at https://t.me/levanaprotocol

