The Fate of Amazonis

Levana Dragon Rider
Levana Protocol
Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2022

Shortly after World War III, Mars’s written history was destroyed. In the aftermath, many Martians attempted to capture the knowledge of the past in various ways.

People argued about the true history of Mars, claiming that Martian historians were replacing facts with propaganda. For the first time , no one knew what to believe.

It was at this critical time The Council accepted responsibility for recording the authentic culture and history of Mars.

The parable below, titled ‘The Fate of Amazonis,’ is the earliest documented folktale told by the Terran people and recorded by the Council. Few know what really happened to the City of Amazonis; however, this Terran folk story, as recorded by The Council, gives us insight into the past.

Long ago in the days of the First Colonies, Amazonis was a proud and productive city. Its people worked hard and produced plentiful resources. However when the goods it made became surplus, the city stopped its hard work. Some citizens became lazy, and others explored the limits beyond the Amazonis dome, despite its danger.

One day, a disobedient Terran child left the city against his parent’s wishes. He discovered a cave with Arachs and disturbed them, causing them to chase him back to Amazonis. Frightened the giant spiders would eat him, he rushed into the dome, leaving the door to the city open. Unrestricted, the Arachs poured in.

It wasn’t long before the Arachs found the surplus food, water, and Teep wool. They feasted, consuming everything in sight. When the surplus was devoured, they ate the farms and the Teep, causing the people of Amazonis to starve.

As the Arachs consumed more and more resources, they grew to great sizes. Their abdomens swelled until they were the size of Verr, their massive fangs ripping into anything they could find. The people of Amazonis tried to fight, but it was no use.

Out of desperation, a young Terran girl prayed to Elon the Almighty to save Amazonis. She asked him to forgive her people for whatever they had done. On the night she prayed, she fell asleep, wondering if he would answer her prayer.

The next morning, a man from the Council came to Amazonis. He stood in the town square and proclaimed the Arachs gone.

He said, “Almighty Elon has granted your wish to be free from the scourge of Arachs. The people of Amazonis must follow three rules to keep the Arachs from returning.” He then stated:

“One, I am a member of the Martian Council. I will stay in Amazonis to serve the people. It is Elon’s Will that you follow my every instruction.

Two, I will install a grand statue in the likeness of Elon in the town square. It will be so tall that its gaze will cover all of Amazonis. It is Elon’s will that you never leave his sight.

And Three, the people of Amazonis will rebuild their farms. If there is a surplus, you will not stop farming. It is Elon’s will that you are industrious farmers and modest consumers.”

The people, so happy the Arachs were gone, agreed to everything the Council demanded. They rebuilt their farms and obeyed the will of Elon, their savior. They were industrious, and soon blessed with a surplus of resources.

The surplus grew so large it even supplied other colonies with food and Teep wool clothing. However over time, the people forgot themselves and again became selfish. They no longer wished to help other colonies with their surplus. They demanded the opportunity to explore the lands outside the Amazonis dome once again.

Gradually they betrayed the Will of Elon and the promise they made to the Council.

Soon after they began to disobey, another disobedient Terran child led the Arachs back into the city. Like before, the monsters feasted on the surplus and destroyed the farms. Once again, the people starved. Again they begged the Council’s forgiveness and to help them.

The Councilman who lived in Amazonis agreed to pray for them, even though they had disobeyed. And he did. But as he prayed with his back to danger, a cluster of Arachs found him and ate his body whole. He was now gone and could not help the people of Amazonis.

The Arachs continued to eat and grow, both in size and numbers. When there were no more resources to consume, they devoured the people of Amazonis. With no hope left, they again resorted to praying to Elon the Almighty. But it was too late.

The Arachs destroyed the entire city of Amazonis.

Dont let the Arachs destroy you too.

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