How much does it cost to build a cloud application?

Rianne Spelt
Levarne Cloud Software Services
2 min readOct 30, 2020


Suppose you are starting up a new company or service and you want a modern web application. Or you are looking for a way to facilitate your customers even better with a native app in addition to your current services. The big question that arises; what does such an application cost? Levarne provides insight into this question by means of a calculator.

How does this work?

We have created an interactive calculator, with which you can easily get an estimation of the costs. To meet your business needs as accurately as possible, the tool offers you a choice of combinations of different functions and platforms. It works like a kind of menu. For each topic you can choose from various functionalities where you can choose which ones apply to your application. The more functions, the higher the price will be. The tool describes what the functionalities specifically entail.

Multidisciplinaire teams

To develop the application, we work with a multidisciplinary team on the end result. Read our article about why multidisciplinary teams are the future here. In order to achieve a successful end result, we work with the profiles below during this project.


While clicking you will immediately see the consequences of adding a certain functionality to the price. This way you can already see which “nice to have” functions you want to add or not, to the 1st version of the application. When you have clicked on all the functionalities you will receive a quote with a complete cost overview. This is an indication of the price. In an additional meeting we jointly determine what the final result will be, we are happy to advise you on this. The delivery date can also influence the final price.

Go to the calculator here.

