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Level Up and Launch: Week 32 Review

George Bullock
Level Up and Launch
3 min readNov 23, 2020


“ Don’t stop. Don’t slow down. Keep focused. ” — Angela Ahrendts

I’m preparing for my trial workday, tomorrow, with a nice company. It’s the last step in the interview process. And, of course, I want to nail it.

Last week went well. I completed a “live coding” challenge, which was actually a system design challenge. Besides the system design challenge, there was a lot of JavaScript trivia involved. I had a good feeling about my performance. My gut was right. This morning the company invited me for the final round interview with the CEO.

I also completed a React Native code challenge for another company. The interviewers were fine with my solution. Moreover, I received praise for my write-up. Most developers don’t write up their challenges. That’s too bad because it’s a great way to exhibit professionalism, share your thinking, and confirm your communication skills.

I’m still waiting to hear back if I’m in the final round of the React Native shop. Based on the last interview, I would guess I’m in.

Otherwise, I applied for jobs and read. Even though I didn’t hit my goal for new applications, my application-to-interview conversion rate was higher, so I still hit my new interview invite target of three. Moreover, the companies I landed interviews with are all very nice.

So, even if this week goes terrible, and everyone says no, I’m still in the mix with three companies. In any case, I’m not getting cocky.

Sure, things are going well. I’ve only been looking for a job for three weeks and I’m on the verge of two offers. Though I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I’m not there yet.

Until I have a signed contract, I’m not going to stop pushing. I’m not going to stop focusing. I’m not going to slow down. With any luck, in the next two weeks, I will accept an offer and this project will be a success 🤞🏾.

Week 31 Goals Review:

  1. Apply for 14 jobs — NOT ACHIEVED
  2. Complete React Native / Redux Code Challenge — ACHIEVED
  3. Complete Live Coding Challenge — ACHIEVED
  4. Enhance Completed Code Challenge — ACHIEVED
  5. Read Understanding Redux / Redux Docs — NOT ACHIEVED

I already discussed the outcome of the code challenges and explained last week’s new applications.

I made a few small enhancements to one of my previously completed code challenges. Though I would like to keep chipping away at finishing it, I have to move on.

I actually did have a look at Understanding Redux and Redux’s docs. In the end, I opted to solve the coding challenge without using Redux. It was a safer bet and it worked out (i.e. the interviewers were fine with my approach).

Week 31 Deliverables

No deliverables this week.

Project Board

Level Up and Launch Public Project Board

Looking Ahead: Week 32 Plan

My plan for this week is to focus on nailing my final-stage interviews and preparing for my first-stage interviews. For me, that means researching companies, people, and preparing questions and answers.

With any downtime, I will start working through a promising new book I found titled Mastering React Test-Driven Development.

Week 32 Goals:

  1. Completed the trial day
  2. Completed the final-stage interview
  3. Prepare for first-stage interviews (research / Q&A)
  4. Read Mastering React Test-Driven Development

That’s it for Week 32. See you next week.



George Bullock
Level Up and Launch

Deep thinking. Deep work. Deep house. Also into frontend, product, customer dev, growth, finance. SF Bay Area native. Immigrated to 🇩🇪. Keeping it 💯.