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Level Up and Launch: Weeks 30 / 31 Review

George Bullock
Level Up and Launch
5 min readNov 16, 2020


“ My stories are about humanity, about the challenges of surviving and the constant fight against ignorance, inhumanity and complacency. ” — John Kani

Last week I got slammed by interviews and code challenges, which is a great problem to have. I was so busy I skipped writing Week 30's review. Instead of writing, I worked on a code challenge and prepped myself for interviews.

This week is more of the same, so I’m expediting this review so I can start my next challenge.

Going back to Week 30, on the job-hunting front, I finished reaching out to my contacts and applied for 10 jobs. After three weeks of applying and networking, I’ve seen corresponding spikes in this publication’s and my LinkedIn profile’s views.

It seems the word is out I’m looking for a job. People are viewing my content. That’s a good sign.

Even better, in Week 30 I had a handful of successful first interviews. Towards the end of the week, I started getting invites for second interviews, and I received another code challenge.

Finally, I continued working on React Interactive Dashboard, completed Honeypot’s code challenge, and finished reading Composing Software.

On Monday morning of Week 31, I received the code challenge I invited to do at the end of Week 30. It was a sizable, practical, assignment that had four requirements. I had two and a half days to complete it (along with my other commitments).

I followed the React development approach I outlined in Week 28. I credit following the process for helping me think through the problem. Having a clear game plan allowed me to move faster. But, I also decided to use TypeScript, which slowed me down. As time started running out, I had to move faster and faster.

Moving faster resulted in cutting corners on styling and UX to focus on the app's logic. In the end, I satisfied three of the challenges four requirements and sent my solution right before the deadline.

Fortunately, my solution passed the screening and I got invited to a third interview (this week) to discuss my solution with one of the company’s senior developers.

Though I’m relieved to have passed the code challenge phase, there was no celebration. I want to avoid complacency. Making it to the next round is not an offer. And, I’m not celebrating until I accept one.

I know how quickly the tables can turn in a job hunt. One day you think you’re on the verge of receiving multiple offers, the next day you’re back to square one.

So, despite having two code challenges scheduled this week and a post-code-challenge interview, I’m going to apply for at least 14 more jobs this week. If my current slate of opportunities doesn’t yield an offer, given my application-to-interview conversion rate (~ 20%), I should have three new opportunities on deck.

This week, it’s time to tackle Redux. Why? One of the code challenges on my plate this week is a React Native and Redux app.

My task is to create a search bar that filters some client-side data. I recently completed a project, Hacker News Search, which has similar functionality, so I have a clue about how to approach the problem. The tricky part will be figuring out how to replicate the implementation to React Native via Redux.

To improve my odds of success, I going to reference Newline’s book, Full Stack React Native. I also have Ohan Emmanuel’s title, Understanding Redux. And of course, I’m going to use React Native’s and Redux’s docs, and Google.

My second code challenge this week is, wait for it — a live coding session 😱. I’m not going to front, I’m scared. I have no clue what they’re going to ask me. Worst case scenario they want me to solve a problem that requires knowledge of an esoteric algorithm you learn in a CS program. If that happens, I’m screwed.

I’m hoping for a practical frontend-related problem. But even then, there is no guarantee I can solve it under time pressure with two people watching my every move.

Though I’m afraid of failing, I’m keen to do the challenge. Ever since I became a developer, I’ve feared a live coding interview. I’ve always wondered if I would rise to the occasion or choke. Now is my chance to find out. Besides the satisfaction of facing my fear, pass or fail, I’m going to learn something about myself and get feedback I can use to level up.

Week 30 Goals Recap

  1. Continue reaching out to contacts — ACHIEVED
  2. Apply for 10 roles (warm or cold) — ACHIEVED
  3. Complete Honeypot Code Challenge — ACHIEVED
  4. Finish the indicator widget — NOT ACHIEVED
  5. Read Composing Software at night — ACHIEVED
  6. Read React Visual Documentation + Complete Guide to useEffect — NOT ACHIEVED

I’ve exhausted my Berlin-based contacts. So far the only concrete outcome is one of my close friends asked me to send my resume for an opportunity at her company.

Those 10 roles I applied to resulted in three interviews.

The Honeypot code challenge was a couple of dull HackerRank problems. They gave me 90 minutes to solve both problems. I knew solving both of them in 90 minutes was unrealistic for me, so I used my time on the first challenge. In the end, I got close to a solution, but get all the test cases passing.

I finished the Indicator widget’s logic, but I still need to refactor my solution and style the component. Although, due to job interviews and code challenges, I doubt I will have time for React Interactive Dashboard this week.

I finished Composing Software. If you’re a JavaScript developer, it’s a must-read.

Ohan Emmanual’s React Visual Documentation is solid. As a visual learner, I will use it alongside the official React docs. I didn’t get around to re-reading A Complete Guide to useEffect for the second time. I will add it as an optional downtime task for this week

Week 30 & 31 Deliverables

No deliverables this week.

Project Board

Level Up and Launch Public Project Board

Looking Ahead: Week 32 Plan

This week my goal is to make progress towards getting an offer from one of the companies I’m talking to. That means nailing the three interviews both code challenges I have scheduled this week. If I get invited to more interviews, I will try to nail them, too.

In case the opportunities I’m pursuing now fall through, this week I will plant more seeds so, hopefully, I don’t find myself with no interviews or code challenges lined up. To that end, I will target two jobs per day, which should yield at least three interviews assuming my application-to-interview conversion rate holds.

My reading assignments are Understanding Redux and Redux’sdocumentation. I aim to learn just enough to pass the React Native code challenge I have to present on Friday.

Week 32 Goals:

  1. Apply for 14 jobs
  2. Complete React Native / Redux Code Challenge
  3. Complete Live Coding Challenge
  4. Enhance Completed Code Challenge
  5. Read Understanding Redux / Redux Docs
  6. (Optional) RID Indicator Widget
  7. (Optional) Re-Read the Complete Guide to useEffect

That’s it for this week. My plan is to post again next Monday. But, if I’m busy with higher value-added tasks, I will skip it and post when I have time.



George Bullock
Level Up and Launch

Deep thinking. Deep work. Deep house. Also into frontend, product, customer dev, growth, finance. SF Bay Area native. Immigrated to 🇩🇪. Keeping it 💯.