Why it’s crucial for execs to be on social media

Hannah Murray
Level Up Often
Published in
3 min readOct 16, 2017


When you’re a C-level executive, you have limited time.

For a project to merit cutting into your day, it needs to be worth your time. Social media can seem frivolous, but it’s a key element of getting your voice out there. If you are trying to tell the world why your company and your products or services matter, showing that you matter just makes sense — and social media is a great way to get that info. to more people. Not convinced? Here are a few reasons why you should reconsider:

1. Posting on social media helps establish your authority.

You don’t make it to the C-suite without having at least some vision of your industry. Experts should have opinions and ideas about significant trends, upcoming innovation and current events. What do you think about the article you read with your morning coffee? How about the new product your team is buzzing about? This part is easy. You already care about what’s going on in your industry. Take social media as an opportunity to share those thoughts with the world. When you develop an active presence in social media conversations about the topics you’re interested in, analysts, reporters and other experts may begin reaching out to you for your opinion on these issues.

2. Social media allows you to explore new opportunities.

The developer you’ve always wanted to work with? He just posted that he’s picking up some freelance work and looking for the right fit. A reporter is looking for sources and happened to see your contribution to a Twitter chat on that subject. Whether you’re on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram, these platforms are about building and interacting with a community. It’s in the name: “social” media. Most people discover new opportunities through their networks organically. This is the same thing, just online.

3. Engaging on social media humanizes your brand.

Corporate social media handles can only do so much. Sometimes, you need a personal touch to talk with prospects, reach out to unhappy customers or give your company a voice that people can connect with. Communicating with your unique voice gives your company a personality that makes it jump through the corporate-speak. A report from Hootsuite and LinkedIn found that companies with executives who are active on social media have better overall brand perception in the marketplace. Even something as simple as having a face and a name associated with a brand helps to cement it in your audience’s minds.

Social media isn’t just an activity to pass the idle hours. Your personal thought leadership, your brand and your community all rely on your engaged presence on social media to highlight what you know — and maybe teach you a few things you didn’t realize.

This article originally appeared on the Metis Communications blog.



Hannah Murray
Level Up Often

Tulane and Winsor alumna. Working in PR, living in Boston, reading on my porch.