7 Side Hustles Ideas to Make $1000/Month

Who wouldn’t love an extra $1000 in their pocket each month?

Ar. Azlan Shah
Level Up Publication
7 min readJan 28, 2024


Side hustles have become more than just a buzzword; they are pathways to financial freedom, creative expression, and personal growth. I’ve navigated various side hustles, discovering that the blend of passion and pragmatism can be lucrative.

Now, I’ll share seven side hustle ideas that helped bolster my income and enriched my professional and personal life.

From the rhythmic tapping of keyboard keys to the intellectual rigor of research grants, each idea is a tile in the mosaic of opportunity.

Fast Typing — The Unseen Lucrative Skill

Have you ever considered the power of your fingertips? In our digitally driven world, fast typing isn’t just a skill — it’s a superpower.

As an architect, I often faced tight deadlines, where swiftly translating thoughts into typed words was crucial.

Surprisingly, this skill can unlock a treasure trove of earning opportunities.

Let’s enter the world of transcription and data entry, where speed meets precision.

Companies constantly search for individuals who can quickly transcribe audio files or populate databases.

Imagine sitting in your comfortable nook, headphones on, and your fingers dancing on the keyboard, turning spoken words into written text. It’s a rhythmic and almost meditative process.

But how do you get there?

Firstly, practice is critical. I remember typing up lengthy design concepts during my architecture studies. It was tedious initially, but soon, my fingers learned to keep pace with my thoughts.

You can also enhance your typing skills through regular practice and online tools designed to increase speed and accuracy. It’s all about muscle memory.

Secondly, explore platforms like Rev, TranscribeMe, or freelance websites where typing jobs are abundant.

These platforms cater to various skill levels, so don’t worry if you’re starting. What’s fantastic is the flexibility — choose when and how much you work. It’s tailor-made for side hustling.

You can quickly inch closer to that extra $1000 a month by dedicating a few hours a week to fast typing gigs.

Remember, like any skill, it gets better with time. So, start tapping into this potential and watch as those keystrokes turn into cash flows.

Description: Transcribing audio or data entry utilizing fast typing skills.

Income Potential: Approximately $10–30 per hour, varying based on speed and complexity.

Part-Time Lecturing — Sharing Knowledge for Profit

Imagine standing in front of a room full of eager minds, sharing your expertise and experiences. This isn’t just for full-time academics.

Part-time lecturing can be a rewarding and financially beneficial side hustle, especially for professionals like architects with a wealth of industry knowledge to share.

As an architect, I’ve been privileged to mold young minds in part-time lecturing roles. It’s not only about imparting architectural principles; it’s about sharing real-world experiences that textbooks don’t cover.

This connection with students is not just fulfilling; it’s a two-way street where I learn as much as I teach.

Getting started is simpler than you think. Contact local colleges, universities, or even online educational platforms that are always looking for industry professionals.

Remember, your unique professional journey is your curriculum vitae. Craft your narrative, highlighting how your experiences can translate into valuable lessons.

The financial aspect is a sweet bonus. While enriching students’ minds, your bank account gets a healthy boost, often with just a few hours of commitment per week.

Part-time lecturing is a symbiosis of earning and learning and beautifully complements a full-time profession.

Description: Teaching courses related to professional expertise.

Income Potential: Around $500–3000 per course or session, depending on the institution and frequency.

Navigating Research Grants — A Step Towards Intellectual Growth

Now, let’s talk about a less traditional but immensely rewarding side hustle: applying for research grants.

As an architect, I’ve ventured into this arena, seeking funds for projects that explore new design methodologies or sustainable practices.

This hustle is not just about the money; it’s an intellectual journey.

Research grants often go unnoticed as a side hustle but are hidden gems. Start by identifying your area of expertise or interest.

For me, it was sustainable architecture. Then, dive into the world of grant applications.

Yes, it’s a process that requires patience and attention to detail, but the rewards are twofold: financial support for your research and recognition in your field.

To increase your chances, network with other professionals and attend industry conferences. Often, grant opportunities are spread through word of mouth.

Also, leverage online databases and university resources to find grants that align with your interests.

Securing a grant can be a game-changer, offering you the resources to explore new professional horizons while padding your wallet.

It’s a challenging yet exhilarating path that combines passion, profession, and profit.

Description: Applying for grants to support specialized research or projects.

Income Potential: Highly variable; can range from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars, based on the grant.

Medium Writer — Crafting Words for Income

Transitioning from the tangible world of architecture to the virtual landscape of writing, becoming a Medium writer is another exhilarating side hustle.

It’s about turning your insights and experiences into stories that resonate with readers across the globe.

And the best part? You get paid for your thoughts and words.

As an architect, I found a unique niche on Medium, writing about design principles, architectural trends, and the intersection of architecture with everyday life.

But the platform is vast and varied — whether your passion lies in productivity hacks, financial advice, or personal development, there’s a place for your voice.

To start, focus on creating engaging, original content. It’s not just about sharing knowledge but also about storytelling.

Remember, people crave stories, especially ones that offer new perspectives or valuable insights.

As your readership grows, so does your income, thanks to Medium’s partner program, which pays writers based on how much attention their stories receive.

Medium writing is flexible — you can write as much or as little as your schedule allows.

This hustle blends the joy of expression with the practicality of earning, making it a fulfilling way to work towards that extra $1000 a month.

Description: Writing and publishing niche articles on Medium.

Income Potential: Earnings based on readership; potentially $100–1000 monthly with a dedicated, engaged audience.

Selling Books — Turning Knowledge into Revenue

Writing doesn’t have to end with articles. Publishing a book is a fantastic way to share your expertise while generating income.

This is particularly true for professionals with specialized knowledge, like architects, who can offer unique insights into their field.

I ventured into this realm by self-publishing books on architecture. From detailed guides on sustainable design to explorations of architectural history, each book was a journey of sharing my passion.

The process might seem daunting at first, but with platforms like Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing, it’s more accessible than ever.

The key to success in bookselling is not just in writing but also in marketing. Utilize your social media channels, professional networks, and Medium readership to promote your work.

Engage with your audience, offer sneak peeks, and create a buzz around your book launch.

While book sales fluctuate, a well-marketed, informative book can provide a steady stream of passive income. It’s a fulfilling way to share your expertise and earn money simultaneously.

Description: Writing and self-publishing books, especially in niche areas.

Income Potential: Royalties vary; approximately $2–10 per book sold, offering potential for passive income over time.

Starting a YouTube Channel — Visual Storytelling

In the digital age, visual storytelling has a special place, and what better platform than YouTube to showcase this skill?

As an architect, I found YouTube to be a powerful tool for sharing design concepts, architectural walkthroughs, and DIY home improvement tips.

Starting a YouTube channel can be as straightforward or complex as you make it. The key is to start with the content you’re passionate about, and that showcases your expertise.

It was about demystifying architecture and making it accessible to a broader audience. Your channel could be about anything that interests you — endless possibilities.

The initial investment can be as minimal as a smartphone camera and an essential editing tool.

As your channel grows, so do your opportunities for monetization through ads, sponsorships, and even memberships. It’s a creative and enjoyable way to work towards your financial goals.

Description: Creating and monetizing YouTube content related to personal skills or interests.

Income Potential: Dependent on views and ad revenue; potentially $100–500 monthly to start, with room for growth.

Winning in Design Competitions — Leveraging Skill for Rewards

Lastly, talk about leveraging your professional skills in a competitive landscape.

For architects and designers, entering design competitions is a way to showcase creativity and a path to monetary rewards and industry recognition.

Participating in these competitions has been both challenging and exhilarating for me.

It’s about pushing the boundaries of your creativity and competing against some of the brightest minds in your field. The key is to select competitions that resonate with your style and expertise.

While the financial rewards of winning a competition can be significant, the real value lies in the exposure and networking opportunities they provide.

It’s a chance to get your work in front of industry leaders and potential clients, opening doors to new projects and collaborations.

Each competition is a learning experience that offers insights into current trends and pushes you to elevate your work.

And when you win, it’s not just a financial gain but a testament to your skill and creativity.

Description: Engaging in and winning architectural or design competitions.

Income Potential: Prize amounts vary from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per competition win.

There you have it — seven side hustles that blend passion with profit. From the rhythmic tapping of a keyboard to the intellectual rigor of grant writing, each idea offers a unique way to earn that extra $1000 a month.

As an architect, I’ve found these hustles financially rewarding and immensely enriching on a personal and professional level.

You should explore these avenues, find what resonates with you, and take that first step toward diversifying your income. The journey might surprise you, both in earnings and in personal growth.



Ar. Azlan Shah
Level Up Publication

My own journal to learn. Architect & educator, mastering resilience & innovation. Passion for sustainable design & technology. Visit www.fatiharchstudio.com.