Change Your Life by Journalling in 2024

Unveiling the magic of journaling.

Ar. Azlan Shah
Level Up Publication


Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Unsplash

Dealing with many things can be overwhelming for me. Writing down what I have done and what I should do helps me execute the grand plan without forgetting a thing.

In 2024, our lives are filled with technology and fast-paced days. In all this chaos, journaling is a calm, powerful way to improve our lives.

You might think, “Isn’t journaling just like keeping a diary?” But it’s much more than that. It’s a key to understanding yourself, a planner for your goals, and a quiet friend who listens.

So, we’ll show you how journaling in 2024 can be a super tool for you.

The Evolution of Journaling — From Pen to Digital

Long ago, journaling meant writing in a notebook with a pen. But now, in 2024, it’s changed a lot. Like how we use smartphones for almost everything, journaling has gone digital, too.

There are apps and online journals that make it easy and fun. Although I still prefer a pen and a pocket note, many embrace this change with a good heart.

Using digital journaling means you can write anytime, anywhere. You don’t have to carry a notebook; you need your phone or tablet.

And these apps have so many cool features — like setting reminders, adding pictures, and even tracking your mood.

The Science Behind Journaling

Journaling is about more than just writing what you did today. Scientists have found that it’s perfect for your brain.

When you journal, you’re helping your brain to think better and be more creative. It’s like exercise but for your mind.

Journaling has been shown to benefit creativity and decision-making. A practice called “Emotion Diary,” inspired by Bellocchi and Ritchie (2015) and adapted from Zembylas (2002), involves journaling before and after creative activities, recording emotions on a scale from 0 to 10.

This process helps track the impact of the creative process on emotional states. By reflecting on and recording these emotions, individuals can gain insights into their creative work and decision-making processes.

I found this true for myself.

I started journaling to sort out his thoughts on complex building designs. It helped me see things in a new way and find creative solutions.

When you write down your problems or ideas, you take them out of your head and put them on paper.

This makes it easier to understand them and deal with them. I would say it’s like laying out the blueprints for a building — it helps you see the big picture.

Journaling for Self-Improvement

Journaling can be a powerful tool for making your life better. It’s great for setting goals and keeping track of your progress.

Writing down what you want to achieve and how you’re moving towards it keeps you focused and motivated.

It’s also an excellent way to build self-discipline. Just like you might have a routine for exercise or work, you can make journaling a part of your daily life.

And it’s great for mindfulness — being aware of your thoughts and feelings. It’s like taking a moment each day to check in with yourself.

Journaling is a way to keep learning and growing in my job. I write about new things he learns in architecture, ideas he has, and challenges he faces. It’s like a tool kit that helps me be a better architect daily.

Practical Tips to Start and Maintain a Journaling Habit in 2024

Starting to journal is easy, and keeping it up can be, too. Here are some tips to help you get going:

  1. Choose the Right Tool: Find a journaling app or notebook you like. It should be something you enjoy using.
  2. Set a Time: Pick a time each day for journaling. It could be in the morning, before bed, or any time that works for you.
  3. Keep it Simple: You don’t have to write a lot. Just a few sentences each day can make a big difference.
  4. Write Freely: Don’t worry about spelling or grammar. Just write whatever comes to your mind.
  5. Make it a Habit: Try to journal simultaneously every day. It’ll become a part of your routine.

I suggest treating it like a daily sketch — a small, regular practice adding significant results. I set aside a few minutes each morning to jot down his thoughts and plans for the day.

Overcoming Common Journaling Challenges

Sometimes, journaling can feel challenging. You might think you don’t have time or don’t think of what to write. Here are some ways to get past these challenges:

  • No Time? Try Micro-Journaling: Write one or two sentences. It’s quick and still helpful.
  • Need help with What to Write? Use Prompts: There are lots of journaling prompts online that can give you ideas.
  • Worried About Privacy? Go Digital with Security: Digital journals often have passwords, so your thoughts stay safe.

One popular journaling app that has gained much attention for its features and user-friendliness is “Day One.” Here’s why Day One stands out:

  1. Easy to Use: Day One has a clean, intuitive interface that makes it simple to start journaling. Whether tech-savvy or prefer straightforward apps, Day One caters to all users.
  2. Multimedia Entries: You can enrich your journal entries with photos, videos, and audio recordings. This feature is great for capturing moments in more than just words.
  3. Reminders and Prompts: Day One can send you reminders to help build a consistent journaling habit. It also offers inspiring prompts to get your thoughts flowing if you’re stuck on what to write.
  4. Privacy and Security: Day One values your privacy. It offers passcode and biometric lock options, ensuring your entries remain secure and private.
  5. Sync Across Devices: If you use multiple devices, Day One syncs your entries seamlessly across them. This means you can start writing on your phone and continue on your tablet or laptop.
  6. Reflective Features: The app provides features like “On This Day,” which shows you past entries from the same date, offering a reflective look back at your journey.

Day One is available on various platforms, including iOS, macOS, and Android. Whether you’re looking to document your daily life, track personal growth, or find a creative outlet, it’s a versatile choice.

Remember to choose a journaling app that aligns with your preferences and needs.

Think of your journal as a blueprint for your life, just like an architect’s blueprint for a building.

It helps you see where you are and where you want to go. A well-kept journal is like a well-designed building — both are foundations for success.

Journaling in 2024 is an exciting journey. It’s easy, helpful, and can change your life in so many good ways.

So why not give it a try? You might be surprised at how much difference a few minutes of writing each day can make.


  1. How Creatives Can Instantly Benefit from Journaling | Psychology Today



Ar. Azlan Shah
Level Up Publication

My own journal to learn. Architect & educator, lifelong learner & researcher. Passion for sustainable design & technology. Visit