
Creating a Long-Term Strategy for Digital Transformation

Let’s explore how we take on the challenge of financial resilience issues for our local media outlet.

Ar. Azlan Shah
Level Up Publication
5 min readSep 1, 2024


Photo by Adeolu Eletu on Unsplash

In today’s digital era, when everything is updated and in vogue, the long-term digital transformation strategy is critical to any media outlet. As the founder of Gema Sumatra, it is my concern to see to it that our website does not just adapt to these but thrives within them.

Digital transformation is more than a shift from print to online. It involves creating a complete, integrated strategy for the core competencies of digital product development, audience engagement, and efficiency across operations.

In the ability to conceive, produce, and distribute content with a core rethink — that is, digital change — something Digital Transformation involves. This means that for a news outlet like Gema Sumatra, which has taken its commitment to public service and serving the local community very seriously, we can use digital tools and platforms to ensure that we have a more extensive reach and make a bigger impact.

The News Sustainability Project, on the other hand, defines sustainability as an investment in our own financial resilience and stability, which is key to fulfilling a journalistic mission in the long run. It’s essential for the definition; if nothing else, it shows that digital work practices involve further investing in quality journalism — adapting to markets and audience behaviors.

The sustainability framework is made up of 4 core dimensions (FT Strategies)

The development of digital products is the first essential element in this transformation. Our approach is based on developing digital products that cater to the needs of our audience.

For Gema Sumatra, this would mean enhancing user experiences on our website and optimizing it for mobile use, exploring new content formats like video and interactive articles, and investing in technology to support these developments.

That capital would also be spent on the technology required for developing new products through the upgrading and implementation of the latest tools in data for analytics to monitor audience behavior while ensuring watertight cybersecurity that protects our platform and its users.

Audience development is a key part of this whole drive toward digital. Around the concept of building and maintaining a loyal audience sits basically any digital strategy. Here at Gema Sumatra, we must be focused on creating such content for our readers and developing new ways of engaging them.

Launch targeted newsletters, grow a strong social media presence, and encourage reader interaction through commenting and community platforms. This is where getting to know the audience through data analytics will come into play. This would enable the calibration of the content strategy through practices around what themes and forms receive the most reach.

Another area to factor in the digital transformation approach would be operational efficiency. The rethought process should foster our travailing transformation to a more digital-centric operation.

For Gema Sumatra, this can be done by simplifying its workflows, decreasing dependency on manual processes, and implementing tools that encourage team members to collaborate.

Details should also not be spared on cost management; through proper monitoring of expenditures and prudent investment in technology and workforce, we will continue to run our operations in a lean and efficient manner, even as we scale up.

Implementing a long-term plan for digital transformation is necessary. Well-defined objectives are the pioneers of a successful strategy. Quite specifically, these objectives could be based on gaining new digital readers, meeting engagement metrics, or creating new revenue streams through digital at Gema Sumatra.

Such goals shall be broken down into attainable milestones, each with its set of activities and timelines placed. It is essential to regularly review the progress against these milestones so that the transformation is well on track and we are moving toward our endgame vision.

Talent and training investments are also key. As we move to a more digital-centric operation, we must attract the right talent. This is reflected in the recruitment of journalists, editors, and technical staff versed in the digital world to help us move the digital strategy forward. However, training for the existing staff is an equal contribution.

It is equally important to ensure that each team member becomes comfortable with the new tools and workflows added by a successful transformation. Investing in the team will help us build a team capable of implementing our strategies in the digital arena.

Data and analytics should be at the heart of our digital strategy. By leveraging analytics, Gema Sumatra can gain insights into audience behavior, content performance, and market trends.

This data will be invaluable in refining our content strategy, optimizing marketing efforts, and identifying new opportunities for growth. Implementing a robust analytics platform will enable us to track key metrics in real-time and make informed decisions that drive our strategy forward.

Experimentation and adaptation are at the heart of any digital transformation. This is a continuous process, so one should not be shy. At Gema Sumatra, we should be open to trying out new ideas: another content format, a different distribution method, or a different revenue model.

What is learned from these experiments and the ability to pivot in case of failure will be crucial for being in the lead in the fast digital race. A continuous improvement mindset helps one react effectively to market shifts and changing audience preferences.

Clearly, there are many benefits, but the process of going digital has its challenges. One of the largest hurdles is the initial investment that technology and talent demand.

However, careful planning and investment prioritization can ensure that Gema Sumatra is building a solid base for long-term success. Managing the cultural shift in the organization is yet another challenge. Operationally, moving from traditional to digital-first requires a mindset shift, which might be hard for some team members. It will be done with the help of clear communications, constant training, and the involvement of the whole team in and during the change process.

Therefore, we must be very watchful and adaptable to the rapidly changing digital landscape. What worked today could become ineffective tomorrow, so we really must learn and be adaptive.

In this way, with that culture of innovation and change, Gema Sumatra will be assured of staying relevant and competitive not only today but also in the future.

Digital transformation is needed for a robust operational strategy that would strategically place Gema Sumatrain the current media terrain. Crafting the best digital product, together with audience engagement and operational efficiency, would lead us to develop a business that could further its journey through the garages called the community, with quality journalism.

The payoffs of a successful digital transformation will be so great that, notwithstanding the challenges along the way, hopefully, Gema Sumatra will remain consequential and relevant in Indonesia’s media ecology for many more years to come.

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Ar. Azlan Shah
Level Up Publication

My own journal to learn. Architect & educator, lifelong learner & researcher. Passion for sustainable design & technology. Visit www.fatiharchstudio.com.