How To Build A Website in 2024

I invite you to audit my website.

Ar. Azlan Shah
Level Up Publication


Photo by Igor Miske on Unsplash

Hey there! Let me share a bit of my journey with you. A while back, I built a website for my architecture studio, AS Design & Build. It was like putting together a puzzle, where each piece was about making the site look good and work well. My website,, became my online space to show off my architectural work.

It’s 2024, and things in the website world have changed a lot. Building a website these days is more than just putting your stuff online.

It’s about creating a spot that tells your story and connects with people uniquely. Whether you’re setting up a business online, love being creative, or are just curious about websites, this article is for you.

We will explore the latest styles, tools, and tricks to make a website that’s pretty and speaks for you.

Let’s start this auditing with me!

Understanding Modern Web Design Trends

So, what’s hot in web design now? In 2024, it’s all about making your website feel like a cozy living room where visitors can chill and enjoy.

Think of it like fashion — what looked fantastic a few years ago might not be the trend now.

First up, simplicity is king. Websites now go for a clean, uncluttered look. It’s like walking into a tidy, well-organized room — you feel good.

That’s what simple design does to your website. It makes visitors feel comfortable and helps them find their needs without fuss.

Then, there’s the personal touch. Websites are becoming more like a friendly chat with a good friend. They tell a story, your story.

My website, for example, is a window into my world of architecture. It shows who I am and what I love to do.

Also, websites now are super bright. They adjust to look great on your phone, tablet, or computer.

It’s like having a chameleon that changes colors based on where it is. This way, everyone gets the best view, regardless of their device.

These trends are all about making websites more enjoyable and easier to use. It’s like giving your online visitors a VIP tour of your world. Isn’t that cool? Let’s keep exploring how you can use these ideas for your website!

The Planning Phase

Before building a website, it’s like sketching a blueprint for a house. It would be best if you had a good plan. When I first thought about my website, I had to figure out what I wanted it to do.

Do you want it to sell products, show off your skills, or share your thoughts? It’s like deciding whether you need a cozy studio or a big office building.

Start by jotting down your ideas. What’s your website’s primary goal? Who wants to visit your site? It’s like planning a party and thinking about who you’ll invite and what you’ll serve.

Also, think about what makes you unique. On my website, it’s my architectural designs that stand out.

What’s your special sauce?

Maybe it’s your handmade crafts, tasty recipes, or fantastic travel stories. Whatever it is, that’s what will make your website shine.

Planning is all about getting your ducks in a row before diving in. It saves time and headaches later on. Alright, got your plan ready? Let’s move on to picking the tools to build your dream website.

Choosing the Right Platform and Tools

Selecting the right platform and tools for your website is like picking the best materials and tools for a building project.

You want stuff that’s strong, reliable, and easy to work with. In 2024, there are loads of options, each with its perks.

Think about website builders like Wix, Squarespace, or WordPress. They’re like the pre-made blocks and beams in construction. Easy to use, even if you’re not a tech whiz.

My site,, was built using one of these — it’s like having a handy assistant who knows a lot about building websites.

Next, consider the features you need. Online store? Blog? Portfolio? It’s like deciding on rooms in a house. Make sure the platform you pick can handle everything you want to do.

And don’t forget about support. Good customer service can be a lifesaver, especially when you hit a tech snag. It’s like having a friendly expert by your side.

Picking the right platform is about what feels suitable for you and your project. Once your tools are ready, it’s time to start designing for your audience. Let’s get creative!

Designing for Your Audience

Designing your website is like setting up a room for a special guest. You want it to be inviting, comfortable, and enjoyable. That’s how you should think about your website regarding your audience.

First, get to know your visitors. Are they young, tech-savvy folks or busy professionals? Understanding them is like knowing your guest’s preferences.

On my site, I considered what fellow architects and design enthusiasts would like to see. This helped me choose images, colors, and a style that speaks to them.

Next, make navigation easy. Your website’s menu should be like a clear map of a beautiful city.

Visitors should find what they’re looking for without getting lost. Clear headings, a search bar, and a neat layout can make all the difference.

Also, content is critical. It’s like the conversation you have with your guests. Ensure it’s engaging, informative, and meets their needs and interests.

For instance, on my architecture site, I focus on project details and design concepts that intrigue my audience.

Remember, your website is a bridge between you and your visitors. Make it a place where they feel welcomed and interested. Now, let’s move on to how you can add some visual sparkle to your site.

Incorporating Visual Elements

Visuals on a website are like the décor in a room — they set the mood and tell a story. In architecture, like on my website, visuals are crucial.

They showcase the beauty and detail of the work. Consider what kind of visuals represent you or your business for your site.

Use high-quality images or videos that grab attention. It’s like hanging striking art on the walls.

If you’re selling products, beautiful photos can make a huge difference. For blogs or portfolios, visuals can break up text and keep things interesting.

Also, play with colors and fonts. They’re like the paint and furniture of your website — they add personality. Just remember to keep it accessible to the eyes.

Your website should be a visually delightful experience, not a cluttered, overwhelming one.

Now, after all the designing and decorating, it’s almost time to open the doors to your digital home. Let’s talk about the final steps before you go live.

Testing and Launching

Before unveiling your website, it’s crucial to test it. Think of it like a dress rehearsal before a big play. Check everything — links, loading times, and how it looks on different devices.

It’s like making sure every light works, and every door opens smoothly. Once everything’s perfect, you’re ready to launch. It’s showtime!

Building a website in 2024 is an exciting journey. It’s about blending simplicity, functionality, and your unique story into a digital masterpiece.

Whether you’re showcasing a business, a portfolio, or your blog, remember it’s your space to express yourself.

Just like my journey with, it’s about creating a digital spot that’s authentically you.

Please keep it simple and user-friendly, and let your personality shine through. In the ever-changing world of web design, staying true to yourself makes your website stand out.

Happy building, and here’s to your unique new website!



Ar. Azlan Shah
Level Up Publication

My own journal to learn. Architect & educator, lifelong learner & researcher. Passion for sustainable design & technology. Visit