The Journey Towards Peak Efficiency

Let’s find better ways to work and live, improving our tasks and results.

Ar. Azlan Shah
Level Up Publication
3 min readFeb 14, 2024


Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

Efficiency is all about doing more with less.

It’s like finding the best way to complete a task without wasting time or resources.

In today’s world, where everyone is racing to be the best, understanding how to work smartly is crucial.

So, how can we reach the highest efficiency level, taking cues from a book with some smart tips for making our work life and personal tasks smoother?

Understanding Efficiency

Efficiency isn’t just about speed; it’s about making smart choices that help us achieve our goals with the least effort.

It involves looking at how we work and finding better ways to do things.

This means being clever about how we use our time and resources so we’re working hard and smart.

Learning from Others and Embracing Challenges

One way to improve at anything is to watch and learn from others who are already good at it.

This is called imitation.

Like copying a friend’s intelligent study tricks can help you get better grades, businesses can improve by adopting successful strategies from others.

Then, there’s competition — when businesses or people try to outdo each other.

It sounds stressful, but it makes everyone work harder and develop new, more innovative ways to do things.

This part of the journey involves being bold, taking on challenges, and learning from what others do well.

Making Work a Happy Place

Believe it or not, being happy at work can make you more efficient.

People who are paid fairly and enjoy their jobs do better work.

This part talks about how important it is for everyone to feel valued and take breaks to relax.

A good night’s sleep can make you feel ready to tackle homework.

Proper rest and happiness at work can lead to better performance and creativity.

Always Getting Better

Getting to peak efficiency is about always looking for ways to do better.

This means trying new methods, learning from mistakes, and striving to improve.

It’s like when you figure out a faster way to solve a math problem; you’re finding a more efficient method.

This constant effort to learn new things and practice whatwe know helps us improve.

Simple Steps to Peak Efficiency

To wrap up, achieving top efficiency comes down to a few key steps:

  1. Learning from the best
  2. Embracing competition
  3. Making sure everyone is happy and valued at work
  4. Never stop in the quest to improve.

It’s about combining the innovative strategies we’ve discussed to keep improving our work.

Reaching the highest level of efficiency is a journey that involves innovative strategies, learning, and improvement.

Following the wisdom from the book Increasing Human Efficiency in Business, we can all find better ways to work and live, improving our tasks and results.


  1. Walter Dill Scott (1998) Increasing Human Efficiency In Business



Ar. Azlan Shah
Level Up Publication

My own journal to learn. Architect & educator, mastering resilience & innovation. Passion for sustainable design & technology. Visit