
What makes me start writing on Medium

I have created 100+ stories and counting.

Ar. Azlan Shah
Level Up Publication
6 min readAug 17, 2024


Ever felt like you stumbled upon something by accident, but it turned out to be exactly what you needed? That’s how I bumped into Medium.

Picture this: one day, I’m just your average architect, playing with designs and dreaming in 3D.

Next, I found this cosy corner of the internet called Medium.

It wasn’t about getting likes or going viral; it was about sharing real stories and ideas that matter.

Why Medium?

Well, it felt like finding a secret garden where everyone’s invited to share their tales.

Here, it’s all about the stories that touch hearts, spark thoughts, and connect us in ways I never imagined.

So, here’s the scoop on why I decided to pick up the pen (okay, keyboard) and start sharing my stories on Medium.

It’s about more than just writing; it’s about finding a piece of myself I didn’t know was missing and connecting with folks just like you.

Finding My Spot in the World of Words

When I first thought about writing, it felt a bit like planning a building.

You’ve got an idea, but you need to lay down the foundation before anything else.

Writing on Medium became my new project, not with bricks and mortar, but with ideas and experiences.

What really nudged me to start?

I guess I wanted to share the stories behind the buildings, the unseen sketches of my life as an architect, and the little lessons learned along the way.

Medium isn’t your typical shout-into-the-void kind of place. It’s more like a warm coffee shop where everyone’s story matters.

It’s where I found my voice among many, telling tales not just about architecture but about life’s design.

Every article felt like adding a new room to my virtual home, decorating it with words that resonated with some and provided a haven for others.

The beauty of Medium is in its community.

It’s fascinating how sharing a piece of your world can attract others who echo your thoughts or challenge them, enriching the conversation.

It is amazing how you can share and learn at the same time…

It’s about throwing your ideas into the world and seeing them take flight, finding those who nod along and those who offer a new perspective.

As I carved my niche, I realized that Medium was more than a platform; it was a journey of discovery.

Every story shared, every connection made, felt like sketching a new blueprint, not for a building, but for a bridge connecting me to others across the globe.

Writing here is my way of saying, “Here’s my story, let’s share this journey.

And guess what? This journey’s just getting started. Who knows what stories lie ahead?

Growing Together Through Words

Jumping into Medium was like planting a seed without knowing exactly what would grow.

Sure, I had my architecture and design background, but translating that into stories people would want to read? That was a whole new world for me.

Yet, as I began to share my thoughts, something incredible happened. With each piece I wrote, I started to see the world through a wider lens.

It wasn’t just about buildings or spaces anymore; it was about the stories they held, the memories they created, and the lessons they taught me.

I learned quickly that Medium isn’t just about talking; it’s about listening too.

Reading stories from others, I found pieces of wisdom in unexpected places.

It was like wandering through a vast library, where every book holds a different world.

My own writing began to reflect this diversity, exploring new topics, experimenting with styles, and diving into discussions I never would have thought to engage in before.

But here’s the real kicker: the people. Imagine sharing a piece of your soul and having strangers from around the globe reach out, saying, “Me too,” or “I never thought of it that way.

That connection, that moment of realizing you’re not alone in your thoughts or experiences, is powerful.

It’s what makes Medium more than just a platform; it’s a community, a space where we’re all growing, learning, and exploring together.

And as for the personal growth? It’s been immense.

Not only have I become more confident in my writing, but I’ve also become more open-minded and reflective.

Each article is a learning experience, a chance to refine my thoughts and share them with the world.

It’s a continuous cycle of growth, not just for me, but for everyone who interacts with my stories.

Looking ahead, I’m excited about the paths my writing will take.

There are so many stories yet to tell, so many lessons yet to learn, and so many connections yet to make.

Medium has become more than a platform for sharing ideas; it’s a journey of discovery, and I’m just getting started.

So, here’s to the next chapter, to the new stories and adventures that await.

Let’s explore them together.

Sharing Stories, Making Waves

When I started throwing my stories out there, like paper boats on a big ocean, I didn’t think much about where they’d go.

My finger just started to go. And it does not stop. The article quality might be low, but it is what I am most comfortable with.

There is no traction. I learn and try to do a bit more research for my stories that can benefit the readers.

Many have tractions, but there are ups and downs.

Then I learned about the publication format and how to use a kicker, title and subtitle properly so I can communicate the language of this community.

Looking back, it is amazing how we can improve from our failures.

And then, messages started coming back from people all over, telling me how something I wrote made their day a bit better or gave them a new way to look at things.

It hit me that these weren’t just stories; they were my way of reaching out and touching hearts, maybe even changing minds.

Juggling Acts and Dreaming Big

As I got more into writing, the trick was figuring out how to keep it up without dropping the ball on the rest of my life.

It’s like trying to keep all your ducks in a row when they really want to run wild.

But this balancing act taught me a lot about how to make time for what I love without burning out.

Looking forward, I’ve got big dreams.

Maybe mixing up my love for drawing buildings with stories, making something that’s not just to read but to see and feel.

With Medium, it feels like I’ve just started scratching the surface of what’s possible.

On and On We Go

So, here I am, a bit further down the road, amazed at how far I’ve come and excited about where I’m heading.

Writing on Medium has been like finding a new path I never knew was there, full of people to meet and things to discover.

The coolest part? The journey’s nowhere near over. There are always new stories to share, new stuff to learn, and new folks to connect with.

And if you’re thinking about joining Medium, wondering if you should take the plunge, I say go for it.

You’ll never know what you might find until you start.

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Ar. Azlan Shah
Level Up Publication

My own journal to learn. Architect & educator, lifelong learner & researcher. Passion for sustainable design & technology. Visit www.fatiharchstudio.com.