Air and Motivation

Amanda Johnson
Level Up!
Published in
5 min readOct 25, 2018

by Amanda Johnson, Employee Motivation Consultant for — professional technical writing tool

When we are not motivated to do something but scrolling memes, we always blame ourselves for laziness in this situation. Here’s where the Internet steps in. It’s full of articles how not to procrastinate, how to be motivated but the answer is around you — it’s the air.

We’re the indoor generation who spends 90% of the time indoors and 2/3 of that time are spent at home. We work in offices than come home and spend free time there, and we don’t pay attention to our daily routine because it’s so comfortable that we don’t consider to change anything. However, indoor air is much more polluted than outside air. Poor indoor air can provoke a whole range of illnesses such as headaches, sore eyes, different types of allergy, and even asthma. Moreover, indoor life leads to health issues such as the lack of vitamin D and in its turn it causes tiredness, fatigue and low mood.

All this information I’ve learnt from this video:

It’s an ad of Velux. For more than 75 years the Velux Group has created better living environments by bringing daylight and fresh air into people’s homes all over the world. Their products help create bright, healthy, energy-efficient places to live, work, learn and play.

The Velux Group has manufacturing and sales operations in more than 40 countries, with an extensive distribution network. Their products include roof windows and modular skylights, as well as a range of decorative elements, blinds, roller shutters, installation solutions and remote controls.

This ad is so powerful that I immediately opened a window after watching. So, what Velux offers to improve our life.

Air Your House or Office

It is recommended that you air your home out three to four times a day for at least 10 minutes at a time, with more than one window open. Also, air your bedroom before going to bed, so your sleep will be more quality and you’ll be more productive for the next day.

Natural Light

Move your desk closer to the window — natural light is the greatest antidepressant. Natural light improves physical and psychological benefits to people, and increases learning abilities by up to 15%.

Take a Walk

It’s a good idea not to spend your lunch break in the office. Let yourself relax and eat mindfully, it will be a great boost for your mental wellbeing. Spend the rest of your lunch break on walking instead of scrolling memes and staring at the screen of your office PC.

Clean Your Space

Clean your carpets, furniture and other stuff. I know, it’s so difficult to clean the house after your office hours but it’s worth it. You will immediately feel yourself better. If it’s so hard for you, try a minimalist lifestyle — just throw away things that you’ve not been using for a long time. And the first thing that you should throw away is a carpet. Even if you clean it properly, dust mites are still there. Watch the video.

Be Easy With Tobacco and Candles

Ideally, it’s better to give up smoking but if it’s hard for you, open windows while smoking, think about your dears.

Tobacco smoke inside a room tends to hang in mid-air rather than disperse. Hot smoke rises, but tobacco smoke cools rapidly, which stops its upward climb. Since the smoke is heavier than the air, the smoke starts to descend.

~Better Health

So your householders breathe this tobacco cloud. It’s called passive smoking that is harmful as active smoking. It also leads to:

  • Lung cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Risk of asthma
  • Cognitive impairment and dementia

The full lists you can read here.

Also, try not to fresh your room using aromatherapy candles, open windows instead, because such kind of candles may cause allergy.

Be Careful With Plastic

If you have children — keep their toys out of direct sunlight, and don’t leave plastic objects on the floor if you have floor heating installed. Warmed up plastic can give off toxic fumes.

Actually, plastic is a real problem nowadays. Scientists claim that micro plastic is even in your bodies! Watch this video:

So, the main principles of healthy and happy life are your clear and fresh space. Fresh air is our biological demand that significantly influences your motivation and productivity but we ignore it. Stuffy air causes sleepy mood, demotivation, irritability and other unpleasant issues. But all you need is just open a window, and your life will change.

If you want to learn more, here you can read other pieces of advice by Velux.

How often do you clean your house? Did Velux video motivate you to open a window?

Amanda Johnson,
Employee Motivation Consultant for — best online documentation tool for SaaS vendors

