Best Apps for Remote Work

Bradley Nice
Level Up!
Published in
3 min readAug 31, 2020

by Bradley Nice, Content Manager at ClickHelp — all-in-one help authoring tool

In this post, we are going to talk about the apps that can improve your productivity when you work from home. Even now, in a wide variety of companies, there are a lot of employees who work remotely. I guess that is going to be a trend for the next several years, and even more productivity apps and software will appear. Let’s see what we have now!


That is project management software. It helps you organize and plan your time and tasks. You create a to-do list and start working with it. The interface is intuitive and simple. You can create repeating tasks, schedule your tasks, and prioritize them. You can even manage several projects at the same time. If you need collaborative planning — this software is definitely for you. You can also share tasks. A helpful thing, I should say, but a bit pricey.


If you need to manage emails — Spark is at your service. It helps you place the most important conversations on top, so you will not lose them. I suppose that is a must-have when you work from home as you get even more emails. That is natural. But not all of them are equally important. Again, Spark is great for collaborative work. You can write emails together and discuss the emails that you get. This app is good both for mobile and desktop use.


That’s an app that will allow you to share your ideas with your team-mates. When you work in the office, it is not a problem to gather everyone and show your ideas, screenshots, sketches, projects. But when you are at home — that might be a challenge. So, Skitch is here to save you. The best thing is that along with sharing, you can comment on projects and even discuss them.


This app is for removing background noises while calling. For remote workers, that is vital. When we work from home, we cannot be sure that our children, pets, neighbors do not produce noises when we have important calls. Krisp can be integrated with a wide variety of apps. It might literally save you =)

Here you can find more posts on productive remote work: ‘Productive Remote Work’, ‘How SaaS will Save Your Future’.

Have a nice day!

Bradley Nice, Content Manager at — best online documentation tool for SaaS vendors



Bradley Nice
Level Up!

Content Manager at 👈. I write about web design, web development and technical writing. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook