Best Foods for Brain Productivity

Bradley Nice
Level Up!
Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2020

by Bradley Nice, Content Manager at ClickHelp — all-in-one help authoring tool

Let`s get back to the question of productivity. We have to work hard every day. Even if we are not engaged in physical labor, we get tired and feel exhausted from time to time as well. We need to find good sources of energy to renew our productivity. As I have already mentioned in one of my posts, it is going in for sports for me. One more thing that is worth mentioning is food. Yes, food can boost our productivity, brain activity, energy, motivation. Isn`t it great? Of course, it is. So what products do I usually eat when I need to be productive and concentrate on my work as long as possible?


It contains omega-3 acids that boost our memory, mental performance, and concentration. A lot has been said about salmon, but it really deserves our attention when we have periods of hard work. If you are not fond of salmon, you can have tuna or herring. They are good as well. Besides, omega-3 acids help your brain and body in stressful periods or in periods of depression.


Eggs are also nutritive for brain, memory, and mood. They contain choline and lutein. Eggs may slow down the mental decline, which can develop with age. Eggs are especially good for breakfast to prepare for a highly productive day at work. They also contribute to speeding up the reaction, which is vital not to get lost in all those super urgent tasks during the day.


It is another source of healthy fat for your body and brain. The secret of avocado is that it boosts blood circulation, including the brain blood circulation. Thus it contributes to brain cells' nutrition. Besides, avocado helps to lower blood pressure which is especially useful for those people whose blood pressure tends to be high all the time.


Oranges are a good source of vitamin C. It is a well-known antioxidant that protects our cells. Moreover, vitamin C slows down the age decline in our brain, keeping it active as long as possible. One of the advantages of orange consumption is the smell. It сheers well and helps you concentrate on performing all the tasks in time. It is a good mood booster. What can be better than fresh orange smell?


Nuts contain protein, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids. They are highly nutritive for our brain cells preventing neurodegenerative diseases. Besides, those who often eat nuts have a sharper memory in comparison with those who do not do it regularly. Nuts can be a good snack in between regular meals.

So, we are what we eat. Literally, I would say. And what do you eat to be productive?



Bradley Nice
Level Up!

Content Manager at 👈. I write about web design, web development and technical writing. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook