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Bradley Nice
Level Up!


3 min readDec 7, 2018


Hey everyone! As tech writing requires to upgrade your skills everyday, we’ve gathered the most helpful articles on UX writing, writing tips, and tech comm trends that will help you on this journey:

What is UX Writing📝

UX writing looks like some derivative from technical writing, however, it pursues a different goal. While an average technical writer would focus on clarity and precision of their writing, UX writers focus on communication with users and user experience. So, requirements for this type of writing differ from traditional technical documentation. Still, if you are a technical writing specialist looking for your career path to take a new turn — this might be it for you.

Bad Practices in UI/UX Design That You Should Avoid🤔

Making mistakes in your UI is easier than you think. There are quite a lot of pitfalls on your way of delivering smooth user experience, and Bradley Nice talks about some of them today.

Using Quotation Marks in Technical Documentation📕

Punctuation in English is considered by many somewhat optional. But quotation marks are an exception here — you can’t skip them in such cases like a direct quote, for example. Quotation marks usage is often found confusing as British English and American English have different approaches towards this question. In this article, we will try to sum up what a technical writer should know about using quotation marks to create professional looking technical documentation. Please note that the guidelines we are about to give you mostly apply to American English.

Marvel Comic’s Stan Lee’s Writing Tips📄

Once, Game Of Thrones creator George R. R. Martin said of the man: “Maybe Stan Lee is the greatest literary influence on me, even more than Shakespeare or Tolkien.” Amanda Johnson thinks Stan Lee influenced many lives, even hers — his extraordinary ideas, powerful energy, and hard working inspired her not to be afraid of crazy ideas that came to my mind. In this post, Amanda Johnson describes some Stan Lee’s writing tips that may be also encourage you to do something great and improve your skills.

Tech Comm Trends: Collaboration With Devs and UX Writing🤝

Not long ago, we posted the article called Language vs Technical Skills in Technical Writing, there we tried to figure out areas of improvement for an average technical writer. And, we also mentioned a modern trend in tech writing — the importance of technical skills keeps increasing for tech comm specialists. And, this leads to our today’s topic — the ever-growing interaction between technical writers and developers. Let’s see where this is coming from and how this will affect technical writing in general.

The Future of Technical Writing📊

Technical writing is integrated into many professional spheres, and it is being heavily influenced by modern technology and ideas. Let’s try to determine how help authoring is changing today and figure out what it’s going to be like — to create user manuals in the near future.

Cool Free Responsive HTML5 CSS3 Website Templates [2018 Edition]💻

Everyone knows building a website can be tedious. But there are simple ways (that still require some work to be done). For one, you can use WordPress (Marshall Hardy kindly explained everything in great detail) or you can use one of many free templates, that can be found all over the internet. Brad gathered some just for you.

Good luck with your technical writing!
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Bradley Nice
Level Up!

Content Manager at https://medium.com/level-up-web 👈. I write about web design, web development and technical writing. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook