Storytelling in UX

Bradley Nice
Level Up!
Published in
3 min readNov 5, 2020

by Bradley Nice, Content Manager at ClickHelp — all-in-one help authoring tool

Everyone likes stories. They can be different: scary, funny, long, short. The most wonderful thing is that they attract our attention, and we keep them in our memory. That has always worked well, and it still works well: information presented in the form of a story is memorized easier than just facts or statistics. Today, it is especially important, as we get tonnes of information from everywhere.

Storytelling in UX is vital. It is all about your product, your brand, your audience. All that matters if you want your users to enjoy your product. If you show your users WHY you create your product, they will love it. So, storytelling in UX is not just texts, images, and navigation. It includes a massive strategy.

Who Is the Hero of the Story?

Did you guess? It is your user. Yes, you create your product FOR users. That is why it is their story. Their needs are most important. What you can do here is to get to know your audience better. Target their pains, emotions, motivations, and you will learn a lot. You will see which way to go.

Your Purpose

Another crucial step is to define and explain your purpose. Why did you create your product? Why did you start moving in this direction? Why do you work on your project? If you think that doesn’t matter, you are wrong. Your users should see the story behind your brand or product. It is surprising, but actually, people buy not your product, but WHY you create it.

What Is the Conflict

And here comes the conflict =) UX is all about finding user problems and solving them. You should clearly define what problems you are going to solve. Of course, if you solve the most popular users’ pains, that guarantees some success. But is your product the only one that solves these problems? I guess it is not.


At this stage, users face their problems, and, as I have already mentioned above, they may see several ways of solving them. So, this step may involve some kind of investigation, comparison, emotions, decision-making. Here you are to do your best to make users realize that your product is the best choice. I should say that emotional engagement may play an important role here. That’s where your WHY works. When people see that your story, the story of your brand and product are close to them, they will always choose your product.

Now, when you know how storytelling in UX works, enjoy using this knowledge!

Have a nice day!

Bradley Nice, Content Manager at — best online documentation tool for SaaS vendors



Bradley Nice
Level Up!

Content Manager at 👈. I write about web design, web development and technical writing. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook