The Ultimate List of Best Websites to Learn Coding

Bradley Nice
Level Up!
Published in
3 min readDec 18, 2016

by Bradley Nice, Content Manager at — software documentation tool

It’s been half a year since I gathered my first list of web-based courses and free eBooks about a variety of programming languages. But since then I came across so many other amazing resources, that my previous list requires an update. Also I’d like to say THANK YOU to all the you who left their comments under that post with lots of other stuff worth mentioning. You are amazing!

So today I’ve got the ultimate list of resourses and ebooks about programming languages. Enjoy!


Sites: Codecademy,, SoloLearn (HTML), SoloLearn (CSS), Treehouse (HTML), Treehouse (CSS), Tutsplus, A to Z CSS, Dash, Web Accessibility, The Hello World, Khan Academy, HTML5 from Scratch, Sitepoint, Usersnap

Books: Mozilla, Dive into HTML5, HTML Dog, HTML & CSS, HTML Canvas, After Hours Programming — HTML Tutorial, After Hours Programming — CSS Tutorial


Sites: Codecademy,, Treehouse, SoloLearn, Code Avengers, Sitepoint, KhanAcademy: Intro to JS

Books: You don’t know JS, Eloquent JavaScript, JavaScript Guide, Speaking JS, JS The Right Way, After Hours Programming — JavaScript Tutorial


Sites: Codecademy,, Tutsplus, Code School

Books: jQuery Fundamentals, Learn jQuery


Sites: Codecademy, Treehouse, SoloLearn, Google

Books: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Interactive Edition, Python for You and Me, Dive into Python, Learn Python the Hard Way, Think Python, Tango with Django, Django, Python Documentation, A Byte of Python, After Hours Programming — Python Tutorial, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python, Python Tutorials on Codementor, Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

Ruby & Ruby on Rails

Sites: Codecademy, Treehouse, TryRubyCode Learn, Rubymonk, Sitepoint

Books: Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby, Learn Ruby the Hard Way, Learn to Program, Learn Rails by Example, Ruby on Rails Tutorial, Ruby on Rails Guides, Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby, Ruby Essentials


Sites: Codecademy, Treehouse, SoloLearn, Sitepoint

Books: PHP Programming, Practical PHP, After Hours Programming — PHP Tutorial


Sites: Nodetuts, Node School

Books: The Node Beginner Book, Mixu’s Node book, Node Up and Running, Mastering Node.js

Git (version control)

Sites: Code School, Git Immersion, Udacity

Books: Pro Git, Learn Git, Gists in Github

Chrome Dev Tools

Sites: Code School, Udacity


Sites: SoloLearn, Treehouse, Java Udemy, Learneroo, Udacity: Intro to Java Programming, University of Helsinki: Object oriented programming with Java

Books: Programming in Java, O’Reilly Learning Java, Think Java, Java for Python Devs, Learn Java Online, Java Beginners Tutorial, Study Tonight: Core Java Complete Course

Android App Development

Sites: Udacity (Google Developers), Coursera, App Development Essentials

Google Apps Script

Sites: Getting Started, Office Hours, Learning Apps Script


Site: Treehouse, Sitepoint

Linux & Shell Scripting

Sites:, Explain Shell

Books: Conquer the Command Line

Angular JS

Sites: Code School, Egg Head, Learn Angular, Codecademy AngularJS Track (Suitable for Intermediate Javascript Developers)

Books: Angular JS Tutorial, Thinking Angular, Angular Tutorial, Getting Started (Adobe), Angular JS blog series, AngularJS Cheat Sheet

Objective-C (iOS & Mac)

Sites: Stanford, iTunesU

Go Language


Books: Go by Example, Building Web Apps with Go, Learning Go

D3 (data visualization)

Sites: Data Visualization for the Web, D3 Tips & Tricks

SQL (Databases)

Sites: SoloLearn, SQL Zoo, SQL @Stanford, Essential SQL, SQL for Nerds, Intro to SQL, SQL Bolt, PHP & MySQL, KhanAcademy: Intro to SQL

If you know any other useful websites, please suggest them in the comments section and I’ll add them to the list. I’m particularly looking for C and C++ free courses and ebooks and I’d appreciate your help.

Have a nice day!

Bradley Nice,
Content Manager at — best online documentation tool for SaaS vendors



Bradley Nice
Level Up!

Content Manager at 👈. I write about web design, web development and technical writing. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook