Tips to Improve UX

Bradley Nice
Level Up!
Published in
4 min readFeb 3, 2020

by Bradley Nice, Content Manager at ClickHelp — all-in-one help authoring tool

Positive and meaningful UX is something that everyone is looking for as it makes your users loyal to the product or brand, which is the goal of every company. Users are the central and basic notion in every IT product-making process. If you ignore their needs, you will never gain the leading position on the market. So, what can you do to improve your UX?

Focus on Usability

Yes, the most important thing about your product is usability. If you think that creative design can make your users love your product, you are wrong. What users are looking for is something simple, convenient, and easy-to-use. Nothing can replace it. If you do not want to lose users, you are to bear in mind that your goal is to make their life easy. It is the same when you think that your users will have to learn and become smarter to use your product. The majority of them will not. It is your product that has to be simple and intuitive enough for everyone. Your users are absolutely different people with various kinds of backgrounds. You should create something suitable for everyone. What you can do is to watch what and how is used. This information will show you where to move next.

Include Tutorials

If you do not include tutorials, it means that you leave it up to a person how to use your product. So, do not be surprised if users choose a way completely different from what your idea was. Besides, it may take quite a long time until they get to some basic functions. To make a long story short and to be sure people are using everything properly, add tutorials. Not only videos where a voice is telling them what is what, but also tutorials where they need to complete some tasks. That works even better.

Offer Help

This is something very important. Some users may feel frustrated as your product is not intuitive enough for them. You may use the FAQ and how-to videos to help them. But you can never be sure that is enough. Give them the ability to contact a human via email or in an online chat. Do not make users feel helpless and frustrated.

Remove Unused Features

We all know that not everything that we create is useful. If you know that some of your features are never used — remove them. Even if you have spent time and money to develop them. Can you imagine a wardrobe full of things? Some of them have never been used. We do not throw them away as we think that their day will come. But let`s face the truth: they are useless. It is high time to get rid of them. It is the same with your website or app. Why do you keep unused features?

Let Them Search

Some of the users clearly know what they want to find. As soon as they load your starting page, they go to the search box. Don`t prevent them from doing that. Let them use your product the way they want. Work on your search function. Make sure they easily find the search box and may filter the results, your search function offers key words and is highly convenient.

Become Mobile

It is a well-known fact that nowadays, mobile traffic prevails. So, if your product is not suitable for mobile, you lose a lot of users. You cannot ignore it. If you want your product to be well-known on the market, you need to have a good mobile solution.

Well, here are the most important things about how to improve UX. But you should never forget that this sphere is constantly changing. Your product should keep up as well.

Have a nice day!

Bradley Nice, Content Manager at — best online documentation tool for SaaS vendors



Bradley Nice
Level Up!

Content Manager at 👈. I write about web design, web development and technical writing. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook