What is SaaS?

Bradley Nice
Level Up!
Published in
3 min readMay 7, 2020

by Bradley Nice, Content Manager at ClickHelp — all-in-one help authoring tool

Let’s discuss what SaaS is and why it is so popular nowadays. I am sure that almost everyone has already tried it.

SaaS stands for Software as a Service. It is a cloud-based software that is a widely-spread trend today. Instead of downloading and installing software on your computer, you simply get access to your portal where you can work or solve everyday problems. In 2020, it is very convenient and natural to transfer your everyday routine to the internet. But about ten years ago, this idea seemed to be rather untrustworthy…

SaaS has lots of advantages. First of all, it offers simple access to your data. No matter where you are and which operating system you use (the most popular SaaS platforms are compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux ), you can devote some time to your work. You just login your portal — and that is it. You do not have to rush to the office to edit your project or to make notes. You are not tied to your home computer either. That is a great opportunity to change your lifestyle and to work remotely all the time. Just calculate the time you waste to get to your office and back home again to say nothing about the busy traffic. By the way, the recent events with the virus made many companies send their employees home. Those companies that use SaaS did not suffer from these measures as their employees went on working from home. For some people, SaaS is really a great way out.

Another great advantage is the simplicity of access for a team and quick data exchange that has a positive effect on the decision-making process. You can easily give access to the members of your team and remove it if it is necessary.

One more thing that SaaS may give you — flexibility. Today, you can change and optimize your UI according to your needs. Needs of every company may be unique and complex, so UI should meet them. Moreover, the vendor may update the platform without bothering the clients. Some spheres start using SaaS faster than others, some are still using traditional software. But still, step by step, SaaS is becoming more and more widely-spread.

So, if you are choosing a SaaS tool for your business, there are a lot of options. Each industry may have its own leaders. But the most fantastic thing is a trial tendency. Most vendors offer a trial (paid or free) to make sure their product suits you. As a rule, vendors offer various payment plans: the more features you want, the more you will pay. A fair approach I should say.

The only disadvantage is the dependence on the internet connection. Gratefully, today we very seldom have problems with that.

That`s SaaS — Software as a Service. And what SaaS do you use?

Have a nice day!

Bradley Nice, Content Manager at ClickHelp.com — best online documentation tool for SaaS vendors



Bradley Nice
Level Up!

Content Manager at https://medium.com/level-up-web 👈. I write about web design, web development and technical writing. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook