What is UX Writing?

Bradley Nice
Level Up!
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2020

by Bradley Nice, Content Manager at ClickHelp — all-in-one help authoring tool

UX writing is a relatively new occupation. People often do not think that they are somehow dependent on what UX writers do. But, in fact, it is not like that =) Every day we use our phones, apps, services, etc. All of these digital products have been created with the help of UX writers. Or at least someone who can perform this function well enough. Let’s see what UX writing is and why it is so important.

So, UX writing is what we read or hear when we use a digital product. The main aim of it is to perform the communication between the product and users and to help them navigate. This type of writing is highly specific, as it implies the creation of short and very short texts. The basic rules of technical writing — short, clear, and concise — are literally essential here. Some texts may contain just one or two words. They are succinct enough to give the users a deep understanding of how to use the product. Poor UX writing may ruin the positive impression that a product may produce as it is a substantial part of the whole UX, informational architecture, and navigation system. It simply cannot be out of the way.

As I have already mentioned UX writing is not always a function that is performed by UX writers. Few companies at the moment pay attention to the fact that they need to hire an expert in this field. Most often, UX and UI designers, copywriters, or other members of the team write short texts for apps, websites, and other products. Well, this scenario of product development is appropriate for small companies. For example, designers are engaged in deep research of the audience’s expectations, so they know the best ways to represent the information. But as for huge companies that develop the most popular products — they need to hire UX writers to improve the quality of the product and efficiency of the whole team.

You may think that work like that — to write a couple of words — takes a few minutes. But, actually, it may take much more time than to write a solid text. The thing is that these two or three words or sentences should be most effective ever. They should help the user get oriented and persuade them to go on using the product. Moreover, UX writing is a part of the whole design of the product. One needs to make sure that the text fits it and contributes to its efficiency.

If you are a UX writer or you have just chosen this career, here are the tips to make your writing useful:

  • Research your target audience and find out where exactly they need help, what may be misleading and confusing for them. Your aim is to add clarity to the product.
  • Cut your text after you have finished it. UX writing should be as short as possible.
  • Add humor if it is possible. But do not forget that it should be clear and polite for all the users.
  • Add images if it is possible. They can become a good addition to your short texts.

Conclusion: UX writing is a new occupation that is just gaining popularity. I am sure that within a couple of years, it will become a trend as everything that is connected with the development of digital products is highly popular. Today, we are just learning how to improve UX with the help of UX writing, but what we do today is the basis for the future of this sphere.

Have a nice day!

Bradley Nice, Content Manager at ClickHelp.com — best online documentation tool for SaaS vendors



Bradley Nice
Level Up!

Content Manager at https://medium.com/level-up-web 👈. I write about web design, web development and technical writing. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook